Reporting in from US. The only results supporting this article are from the article itself. Garbage outlet. You should really just delete this post. It’s literally the driving force behind what you are complaining about.
Reporting in from US. The only results supporting this article are from the article itself. Garbage outlet. You should really just delete this post. It’s literally the driving force behind what you are complaining about.
Not paying as much as someone currently makes doesn’t necessarily mean they are underpaying. Could be a different industry, department, etc.
Good call. I didn’t even think to specify household vs personal. My mistake. I’ll edit to fix.
What are the good resources? Because I just searched “Canada wildfire info” and got the Canadian Wild land Fire Information System" seems like a good place to start? Stop using Facebook for this shit (or anything else)
Median income is $23k in Thailand. $31k in US. It definitely doesn’t make up the difference.
Edit: Used Personal income for US and Household for Thailand. It actually doesn’t bring the gap significantly closer.
You say wsj is reputable, and then suggest filtering Murdoch. Murdoch bought wsj in 2007.