I would suddenly feel very sad for the one of them that bottled it up for 40 years, and for the other who obviously has known for many of those years…
I would suddenly feel very sad for the one of them that bottled it up for 40 years, and for the other who obviously has known for many of those years…
Underlegislation leads to a bloated, extortionate upper crust that weilds disproportionate power over those who rely on said financial system. There is a balance, and the problem you outline is the lesser of the two extremes.
Which this probably is if they want to pack as much data as possible in one unit.
Some retired old fart who can’t be bothered to learn fancy-schmancy Web 2.0. Rock on like it’s '93
deleted by creator
Public media does not mean there isn’t someone powerful pulling the strings. Public works aren’t funded by us, they’re funded by the agencies that reserve the right to pull said funding regardless of public support. We fund those agencies.
I got really soft mohair socks and a cashmere scarf and it felt better than a new video game which would have cost the same.
Thw books, obviously! Been decades tho
Su Cuy’Gar, Mando’an!
The purpose of life (imo) is to discover humanity in yourself and what “the best human” means to you. People get their ideas on “the best human” from many inspired examples. The Buddha, Mohammed the Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, Julius Caesar, or Jimmy Buffet. Some people need no such idols and can form their own understanding of what it means to be human, but all of these scale.
Your humanity plays into the identity of your family, plays into the identity of your city/town, plays into the identity of your region, plays into the identity of your nation, and at the top is the true meaning of life: the culmination of every dream and desire, the moral fabric of our species, and the embodiment of the only such entity in existence to our knowledge. The purpose of life is to find that, reconcile with it, and use the wisdom you gain in doing so to help shape our species into a happy, healthy, and mature civilization, or die trying.
Piiiitchforks! Getcher pitchforks heeeere!
It’s a folder that you put files into, but acts as a file itself. Not at all like zip.
I wonder if the ecotourism being seasonal knocks off prospective points. You can only comfortably travel the cannuck wilds for ~5 months out of the year, if that.
It would change nothing for us. Most of it is all black box and they could leave any number of “dials” and not tell us what they are set to.
Be less Christian to be more Christ-Like.
Being gay is not something you’re stuck with, it’s who you are and you have every right to celebrate it.
You’re very clever. Don’t use your cleverness to manipulate or do harm.
You will find love.
That’s an old white-hat trick. If the tables drop, the wrap helps them bounce.
Ublock doesn’t freeze my YT videos when it rolls over a midroll ad. I’ll never use anything else (maybe a Pi-Hole)
“An old Indian taught me that.” (Idk where I learned this)
“And we’re off like a turd-of-hurdles/smelly underwear.” (Underway)
“Oh, I know it!” (I agree whole-heartedly)
“(That’s) big noise.” (Nonsense)
“Slicker than dog snot!” (The bee’s knees)
S-step on me, Renamon… 😳
Is that… 5 AC10’s in CT? Or a really weird looking RAC20?