I see meme, I subscribe
I see meme, I subscribe
That’s so sweet, I imagine she feels very supported by your words! It’s for sure a full time job, but to me personally it doesn’t feel like a job most of the time even though I’m super busy. I think it’s the “find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” thing?😊
That’s so cool, thank you very much!! 😁
People generally assume stay at home parents only choose that if their spouses make a lot of money, that they are bored or unsatisfied with their life, and that it’s a job that is very hard and not much fun.
Obviously I don’t speak for SAHPs and maybe these things do apply to some, but my life is freakin awesome! We choose to live very simply and frugally on a single below average income and it is completely worth it every single day for us.
I have so much control over my own schedule, I can’t get enough of spending time with my kid and have so much fun with them, I have more time for my own interests, self care or friendships when my spouse can take over at times after work, we get fun family time all together almost every day because we don’t have to spend all evening cooking and cleaning (plus our schedule is more flexible), and this is the only job where everything I do all day long directly benefits myself and my loved ones (beyond financial support).
There is genuinely nothing in the world I would trade for this. But man do I get tired of the negative comments from nearly everyone who finds out what I do.
Ohhh yeah sorry, I might have misinterpreted the point of your post! Obviously no one dies from watching a horror movie so my comment doesn’t apply 🤪
I thought I was the only person who felt that way! It makes me so angry when people with spouses and kids or even parents who love them do hyper dangerous sports. Like surely there has to be something more worth doing that doesn’t orphan your children??
(Obviously any sport has some risk as do things like driving, I’m referring to things like free diving or free climbing where there’s no way to have a real safety net)
Omg literally a shower thought
I know several people who feel this way!!
I generally can’t afford monthly streaming services but I can occasionally afford to donate 2-5 dollars to someone who made a show available to me 🤷
What subs did you mod? I wanna watch the trainwreck 😂
Alright I’m officially comfortable with being stalked now as long as that owl is doing it
Oh no just me!! 😂 My siblings just didn’t want kids for over a decade and suddenly changed their minds 🤪 It does leave me with mixed feelings as the person replying said, they’re a little hard to explain to someone who hasn’t been through it
No matter what your problems are I assure you they aren’t insignificant or stupid ❤️
Sometimes it can help to talk about it even if solutions aren’t found! But that’s your choice either way obviously 💕
Mostly okay! I’ve been through a decade of infertility in the past and both of my (historically) happily childfree siblings announced they want kids now. I’ve experienced every emotion I can name about that but I’ve also had some good chats with other loved ones about it!
Seems a bit trivial compared to what some other people are going through but it took me by surprise.
I saw that joke coming when I wrote it but was too lazy to rephrase 🤣
Find my way places (even nearby places) without GPS!
I’m so excited for this especially after the duck drawings thread!!