Play Turing Complete.
If you can finish it without copying solutions wholesale, you’re ready for writing assembly in the real world.
Play Turing Complete.
If you can finish it without copying solutions wholesale, you’re ready for writing assembly in the real world.
Amazon is extremely data-centric at that management level. If he’s not showing hard data, then the data he has go against the narrative he’s pushing.
I thought that was called pulling a Christopher Walken…
This is solid advice.
Also, the macOS ecosystem is predicated on you being rich enough (or fool enough) to buy it, and everything is nickel-and-dimed.
Subnautica; at the beginning your pod drops into the surface of the ocean, then you open the hatch and you climb out… to see an infinite expanse of blue sea under a blue sky.
That triggered so many memories for me, I had to take a minute. The color grading on that scene was on point.
One of the Quake games has a section where you get captured, then put on a conveyor belt where you see other people in front of you get mutilated, then that happens to you. That scene almost triggered a dissociative episode.
The original ending of Mass Effect 3 brought me to tears because the Clint Mansell music meshed so well with the on-screen segments, it really moved me. That said I also like the remastered ending; the latter is like the last few chapters of Lord Of The Rings, the former is like an American movie ending.
There’s Marxist-Lenninists, and there’s Lenninist-Marxists, and both groups hate each other… Much like the Monty Python sketch…
I found out that https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/ explains a lot of the dysfunctions that one finds in an office / corporate environment.
Luckily I work in a jurisdiction that would tear the whole C-team a new one if that happened.
You sure this isn’t just anti-rowhammer et al mitigations?