This is the internet. You can say “fuck”
I do computery stuff i guess.
Why did i choose this server? Mainly because shonk funni :)
This is the internet. You can say “fuck”
Im mainly Ken-fused…
This is not a repair channel, but you might like “The Secret Life of Machines”, a small british tv sgow that explained certain technologies and was run by basically 2 british lads. one of them is still around and has a YouTube channel
bring a laptop. if you want an external one, they most of the time only need usb and if not, probably a 12V power brick
disc drives usually dont work on android unless they have a soecisl mode which “translates” the disc filesystem so it looks like FAT32 to the phones.
I dont watch too many series/movies. Never payed for streaming, planning on never doing so because of all that bullshit. I prefer my media on stamped and metallized plastic discs that work offline, or plain DRM-free video/audio files on my HDD.
for me, opening my music folder in Picard (available for download at and clicking “analyze” was enough
are you sure you are not mixing up MusicBrainz (the Metadata Database) with MuiscBrainz Picard (the tool to put metadata on files)
plugging random old USB stuff into a computer:
linux: I guess this looks kind of like a webcam. Here you go, /dev/video0
windows: nooo! what is this?! go search for divers that dont register a hit on virustotal! see you in an hour.
try musicbrainz picard for the metadata
kids should not work nor “have to” work. they should have fun, get educated and well… be kids. they have more than 40 years down the road to suffer in a cubicle
i suggest a raspberry pi or similar single-board computer with either LibreELEC (good for local/NAS files or jellyfin) or a build of androidTV installed
set it up once, never need to touch it again