either ! much appreciated
either ! much appreciated
I don’t know anything about this
How dumb must you be to be a black american for Trump ?
Do you mean the servers aren’t guaranteed to be running the exact code that’s on github ?
There’s a server side and it is secret ?
it’s open source
Locally they’ve gone up to 50cts an egg, because most chicks died in last month’s cyclone.
Over here february is nearing the end of the rainy season, with temperatures regularly above 30 and rain showers. I love it, but not as much as the thick of the rainy season, which was this month
I do 3D animation and illustration. Fortunately, running games requires the exact same kind of hardware so my workstation doubles as a playstation
Really ? I don’t think I ever experienced this regularly ever. I have otherwise no issues getting it up
Do not dog whistle at hunky construction workers. We all want to, but the straight men manage to resist most of the time.
We do, although it is terribly difficult. We calculate every route so as to avoid construction sites.
Yes, this is why straight men are often late
wow, definitely tempting from your description
I hear you, I’d kill for a good old buzz right now
what was that about felix and anchovies ?
to shitpost, obviously
Who knows. A few years ago my main drive (seagate 1TiB 10kRPM) exploded in use. It was only 4 years old. The company I sent it to for recovery told me all was left of the disks was dust. I live my life thinking it might happen again any time. This means regular backups (backupS plural).
Yea, not to mention reality is catching up mighty fast with most of those fictions. tbf I’m not sure anticipative SF is an effective means of warning anymote
It’s very new, it lacks a native client for the moment, but it’s super promising.
Looks like a really pleasant path to walk