I imagine you already know, but for those who may not: Scifi Channel did a Dresden Files series like … 20? Years ago. I don’t remember if it was any good, but it definitely wasn’t HBO style and didn’t cover all the books.
I imagine you already know, but for those who may not: Scifi Channel did a Dresden Files series like … 20? Years ago. I don’t remember if it was any good, but it definitely wasn’t HBO style and didn’t cover all the books.
Individual experiences can vary significantly. With sleeping pattern, for example: when I was on Vyvanse, I actually slept better than when I wasn’t on medication; I fell asleep easier and felt more rested in the mornings. Strattera (a “non-stimulant”), on the other hand, had me waking hourly and having bizarre dreams.
Oof. I can kinda relate. Any way you could do the tech stuff part time, and be a cashier part time? I have seriously considered finding a part time role in my current line of work to just make enough money to live, and then doing something else part time that doesn’t eat my soul.
You’re not crazy. If you’re making enough to live on and you’re happy, then I’m not sure what else a person could ask for.
For my part, I have a decent job in healthcare, making a good salary by any measure, but it’s emotionally strenuous on the best of days and I dream of quitting to go start a flower farm. The bad days are utterly soul-sucking, so I absolutely cannot do this kind of work for another 18 years (when I’ll turn 54 too), so I fully intend to do similarly to you once I am financially secure enough. Definitely not retail for me though; I got enough of that in my college days. 😛
That resulted in this weird situation, where the most prestigious facilities are just sport centers with a side hustle in education.
When the football coach is paid literally actually 100 times or more what the average professor is paid, we’ve royally fucked up our priorities. Coaches are making millions per year while adjunct professors are struggling to make ends meet. It’s disgusting.
Edited to add: the head football coach at my undergrad university makes 9 MILLION, PER YEAR. And his current contract runs through 2029. Let’s also not discuss how most of these contracts require they keep getting paid even if they’re fired for poor performance. Meanwhile, annual mean wage for a professor is like 80-90k.
It’s about sales losses due to keeping items behind locks at Walgreens. The person you replied to gave an anecdote of the identical problem at another retailer, in order to emphasize that this is a clear problem for both retailers and customers. It hardly seems irrelevant to the conversation?
Yeah, but the company already has your money, so they don’t really care. Package theft is only a problem for us plebs to deal with.
I doubt before. They’re still hoping they can erase or villainize him. I expect the news media will ignore his trial in favor of whatever antics Trump or Musk are up to, and we won’t hear much about him until there’s a guilty verdict they can parade before the masses in order to dissuade them from copying him. If he does get mentioned, they’ll be trying to frame him in as negative a light as possible and downplay his motives. I also expect the big social media will censor discussion under the guise of not promoting violence, or simply shadow ban any mention of him.
Most people are courteous enough not to idle their car with the exhaust pipe right in a doorway. Their analogy is some serious mental gymnastics.
In mild cases of autism, perhaps. It can be severe and debilitating, to the point of requiring life-long 24/7 care.
That said, conspiracy nuts buying that vaccines cause autism and failing to see the actual, real-life conspiracy which lead to the idea of vaccines causing autism would be absolutely fucking hilarious if it hadn’t been the direct cause of countless dead children. Read up on Andrew Wakefield if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Should have been Wookiee ragings instead of Ewok shenanigans.
Could have just made Snoke be the guy cloning himself instead of Palpatine. 🤷 It would have made just as much sense.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
Some people are in to that.
The only way it gets easy is by going through it repetitiously until you’ve become desensitized. Which is obviously easier said than done. It’s a gradual process and will often involve periods of regression in between periods of progress, but if you’ve been through years of fixing then you probably know this. Are therapy or medications an option for you? They can make the process easier.
I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. Current “AI” based on LLM’s have no capacity for understanding of the knowledge they contain (hence all the “hallucinations”), and thus possess no meaningful intelligence. To call it intelligent is purely marketing.
Some people are genuinely apathetic or feel like it doesn’t directly impact their life, but a lot of people fall for the propaganda of “both sides are the same” and that it makes no difference either way, and a lot of people are intentionally disenfranchised by various voter suppression efforts by Republicans. Then there’s the electoral college nonsense which leaves the populace of 43 states with essentially no say in who the president is, leading some to wonder why they should bother, not being mindful that their vote may carry weight for the federal legislature and state/local elections. And many people are just too busy surviving to worry about anything else.
For my part, voting straight Democrat in a heavily Republican-leaning state, my vote literally means nothing at all because my state will inevitably give all of its electoral college votes to Trump, and will elect nothing but Republicans to the federal legislature and for almost all state/local offices. But I voted on the first day of early voting, and I will vote in every election, because we have to show support for change if we ever want there to be change. There are enough left-leaning people in my state for it to be a swing state (hell, we had a Democrat for governor 2003-2011, and he was popular), but so many see their votes as meaningless simply because their fellow left-leaners also aren’t voting…
You could also just turn it off.
I’ve run into similar: on the account creation page there was no character limit on the input box nor stated in the password requirements, but on the login page the password input box was limited to 14 characters. So you could successfully create an account with a long password, you just couldn’t log in because it wouldn’t let you enter the whole password.
Hear me out: Taken, with muppets. Liam Neeson reprises as the token human character.