You’re missing 1.5: Make it impossible for people who every professional medical association of good repute says said medication help, get the medication by prescription.
You’re missing 1.5: Make it impossible for people who every professional medical association of good repute says said medication help, get the medication by prescription.
A name for this?
Isn’t it ironic, dontcha think?
But not a Venus flytrap. Or a pitcher plant. Or rafflesia. Or…
You don’t think nearly 1/6th is statistically significant? What’s the lower bound on significance as you see things?
To be clear, it’s obviously dumb for their generative system to be overrepresenting turbans like this, although it’s likely to be a bias in the inputs rather than something the system came up with itself, I just think that 5% is generally enough to be considered significant and calling three times that not significant confuses me.
That’s my prediction as well, but if the experiment is cheap to run, why not do so, and see of you learn something?
So for the 99% there is an abolishment of private property, leaving only personal property and public property, everyone has an equal share, and the state has been dissolved?
Because if not, at least one of us doesn’t understand communism. It’s entirely possible we both don’t. Would you be willing to clarify the term as you understand it?
- Anything labeled “This end toward enemy” is dangerous at both ends.
Any sufficiently identical copy of me is me. A copy just means there are more me in the universe.
Build aligned seed AI.
My mom introduced me to Napster. So at this point, it would be a family tradition.
Distribution of money and power is a facet of society.
I mean, not everyone agrees what the problems are. We can’t even approach talking about solutions until we settle on the problems. And that problem seems to be getting worse.
Yeah, the wiki is a big help, as is being aware that any item that has ‘Material’ in the list of traits when you mouse over it, can be brought to the guide, when you talk to him one of the options is ‘crafting’, and the empty blue box in that menu can have said items dropped into it for a list of all recipes using it, along with what workstation it takes.
Doesn’t seem to be on the list yet:
I have hundreds of hours on my steam account, and I’m pretty sure it’s actually thousands. It’s a great game, and it’s been updated so much since it released. When you could buy and hold gift copies of steam, I used to regularly buy new copies to hang on to to hand out to people; I’ve probably gotten ten people into it. Currently doing a modded master playthrough with my family and having a great time.
If anyone doing an arms race wins at AGI literally everyone gets mulched, so I hope nobody who is, does.
I’d be interested in reading more about this, if you have any pointers. It seems to me to be an interesting semantic question as to whether other bubbles of spacetime beyond our own, running at a different temporal rate (from the outside? By what universal clock?) count as part of our universe or not. From the description you gave, it seems like maybe even FTL wouldn’t be enough to reach them.
Given that we can see the CMB it seems unlikely that the universe is older elsewhere.
Civil vs Criminal. Trump got a disgorgement, it’s not a fine. He’s been ordered to pay back his ill-gotten gains, that’s not the same thing as a fine. Anyhow, a civil case can’t end in jail time. That’s not how civil cases work.
pays a subscription
Subscriptions don’t work
Little confused by this one, but yeah. I can’t afford subscriptions, and I also can’t afford the products and services the ads are for. Ads are just pollution in my consciousness, so why should I reduce my QoL for no benefit to anyone? If a creator says that if you use adblock, don’t watch me, I won’t. Site blocks adblockers, I don’t use it. What else am I supposed to do, when I make less than a living and don’t really have better options?
I would love to see research data pointing either way re #1, although it would be incredibly difficult to do so ethically, verging on impossible. For #2, people have extracted originals or near-originals of inputs to the algorithms. AI generated stuff - plagiarism machine generated stuff, runs the risk of effectively revictimizing people who were already abused to get said inputs.
It’s an ugly situation all around, and unfortunately I don’t know that much can be done about it beyond not demonizing people who have such drives, who have not offended, so that seeking therapy for the condition doesn’t screw them over. Ensuring that people are damned if they do and damned if they don’t seems to pretty reliably produce worse outcomes.