Organic maps is so good
Music, games, foss, reading, biking & more
Organic maps is so good
It’s a fuckin owl ya’ll!!
that blows but props to strava for taking a stand for user privacy. even a little goes a long way.
Knock knock Who’s there? Cows Cows who? No, OWLS hoo. Cows moo!
Thanks all, i ended up getting christmas money do i bought stardew valley :)
I will check it out!
I bought it on my iPhone. I want to transfer the save to my computer and play it there.
Personally i like the tale of prometheus. One Mans willingness to help others is rewarded in punishment from the anger of the gods. Shows how petty the gods really.
the onion has been on fire recently.
I only have it because my family chose that over Mastodon. Mastodon is better.
It’s aight.
I knew which color my state went. It aint gonna change soon.
That worked perfectly! Thanks!
I use sway so keybinds are
bindsym $mod+p exec grim
^ super simple version of my my grim keybind. I tie it with slurp. Either way, i’ll give it a shot!
I’ll wear one as i get cremated.
“Look timmy, it’s a man made entirely of bullshit”
Very late to the game. I use this guy, 10/10
Forbsomebreason i literally cannot upload photos onto lemmy.
Reply_meme: “the joke going over head”
For backing up settings i would def load your dotfiles into github. Then you can clone the repository with all your settings And copy them into place.