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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ah, Lindsey graham, still giving idiots around the world hope that they too could be a US senator one day.

    1. We have 2000kg guided munitions now, we don’t need to nuke Gaza. As barbaric as that seems, we really have moved on pass nukes.

    2. Nuking Gaza would mean radiation for everyone else. Including Israel. Generations of Jewish people would battle cancer for 2-4 generations.

    3. They are children you bloody nutter. What is seriously the worst thing a 6 year old can do that would warrant a nuke? Unless you have blueprints of a cyborg-ninja 6 year old, I don’t want to hear it.

    4. Waste of US resources and good will for… nothing?

  • I couldn’t imagine being a software engineer for Telsa, pouring your heart and soul into making a good product.

    And in your bosses’ drunken haze, gets to make an ass of himself on the world stage and get paid 1,000,000,000x your salary to do it.

    Lose advertising investors, lose quality and face on the products you have to build. Still gets to be CEO of three failing companies

    But your job is the one that gets canned to save the stock price.

    Edit: loose

  • “The IDF has taken action and will continue acting to identify misconduct and behavior that does not align with the expected morals and values of IDF soldiers,” it said in a statement sent to CNN.

    The problem is, this kind of behavior aligns perfectly with:

    In one video, a soldier is seen going through a woman’s wardrobe, including her underwear, making derogatory, sexist remarks about Arab women.

    A photo shared online shows a soldier standing next to a Hebrew sign spraypainted on a wall in Gaza that says: “Instead of erasing graffiti, let us erase Gaza.”

    The Israeli soldier looks directly into the camera, then turns around and sets a pile of food supplies on fire. “We turn on the light against this dark place and burn it until there is no trace of this whole place,” he says as another soldier fuels the flame.

    I couldn’t be more disgusted with where my tax dollars are going.

  • If you are wondering who is the commission, the United Nations has a good overview on their past and accomplishments.

    They all don’t have a history of Anti-semitism, as claimed, but more along the lines such as:

    • Human rights in Gambia vs. Myanmar
    • Human rights on housing
    • Inquiry into Detention in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    These guys are no joke, they have done this before. But more importantly, the comment that got them suspended?

    “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by, whether it is the Jewish lobby or it is specific NGOs, a lot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us,” he said in the interview.

    But above all that, the excuse that Israel is using is:

    When asked by The Times of Israel what these claims were based on, Haiat said, “The commission of inquiry is there to investigate Israel without any time limits, unlike any other commission of inquiry from the UN system.

    Keep in mind, not even the investigation team knows how long it will take, so of course there won’t be a time frame. And they work for the UN, why do they need one?

  • The findings, based on interviews with 4,702 company chiefs spread across 105 countries, point to the far-reaching impacts that AI models are expected to have on economies and societies, a topic that will feature prominently at the annual meetings.

    Once you start digging into the article it is quite hysterical what executives think a predictive chat model are going to replace. It reads more like a wish list then anything else.

    But they expect AI to replace transportation, Tesla and General Motors are not having any success with this… yet. There appears to be a bandwidth issue that isn’t going to be solved until the US upgrades to fiber.

    Boston dynamics are having a lot of success with their robots of late. Everyone else is stuck still getting robots to stack boxes. Which is also having it’s problems with bandwidth. And apparently logic issues.

    They also expect things like Energy and power/utilities to be replaced by AI. And that is just dumb. Automation has already swept through the power sector, and AI is not going to help with much else, unless it is going to start repairing power lines, transformers, or the regular substation.

    Above all, this is not taking into account the new jobs this also creates. People will need to repair and troubleshoot equipment at multiple layers.

    What is also absent from the article is the executive jobs AI will also replace. Once AI can view things at multiple levels. True, you don’t need the average worker anymore. But you don’t need someone that is just collecting a paycheck, do you? If AI will be programed to replace redundancies, then it won’t only find those at lower levels.

  • However, even though it confirmed the theft of its intellectual property, NXP says that the breach did not result in material damage — saying that the data stolen is complex enough that it can’t be easily used to replicate designs. As such, the company didn’t see the need to inform the general public, reports NRC.

    Looks like China got to peak at the Dutch’s homework. However, that isn’t going to do much good if China doesn’t know how the Dutch got to that solution. However, I have no doubt it is just a matter of time and resources.

    Also, it is unclear if the information that was taken was helpful at all. I doubt they had full schematics of next gen chips lying around. It also sounds like there is another layer of security they feel hasn’t been breached. Which is good for the most part because it means the information has knowledge layers that have to be understood first for the manufacturing process.