“second fastest growing channel in cable television” eh? I guess that means they got one new viewer while everything else went negative.
“second fastest growing channel in cable television” eh? I guess that means they got one new viewer while everything else went negative.
Since you can’t use your mirror anyway, just adjust it so that it reflects back at them.
On that front, they pretty much already were doing that. The big battery plant in Windsor should be ready to start ramping up production later this year. There was a lot more, but most of it has been paused since Ford decided to delay EV production at Oakville.
The only difference is that “China bad America Good” has shifted to “China bad, America also bad”. None of the issues people have with China have magically gone away.
Building cars is something we already do in Canada. And there’s currently a lot of capacity coming online to build electric cars. Pretty much the entire car could be sourced from Canadian parts, including the batteries. I think semi-conductors are the only thing that doesn’t have a domestic source right now.
Trump winning was the worst thing that could have happened to the Conservatives. Dealing with Trump’s bullshit is the one thing that most people seem to agree that Trudeau and the Liberals handled well.
PP wanted his “carbon tax election”, but just about no one is very concerned about that right now.
Jared Keeso. Specifically, Jared Keeso as Shoresy.
Never thought of that. In my use case, Transmission is running in a container on my server, so it only ever has one connection, and VPN and traffic management happens on my router.
Do people still use transmission? That seems like be the default one I see in prebuilt torrent server containers.
On the plus side, it’s seems like most our our public response has ranged from “no thanks” to “here, let me warm up this poker real quick so you can go fuck yourself with it.” Hopefully Poilievre is somewhere in that range and not among the other minority.
If it is, hopefully someone can teach them how Canadian units actually work. Everyone knows syrup per moose is a measure of fuel consumption, not speed.
That practice is actually what made me quit using Amazon even before this latest bullshit. I live in a condo, so if I’m not home, they can’t deliver. Every major courier (Canada Post, FedEx, etc) will just take it to one of their shipping locations and I’ll pick it up on the way home from work. With the Amazon couriers, I end up playing phone tag with a person who unfortunately has very poor English, and just generally getting frustrated. Plus the tracking numbers just straight up don’t work.
Maybe they are counting any wars where the British fought? If so, the two world wars would account for a lot of it.
Measuring my server cluster
Personally, I just don’t ask questions I don’t want the answer to.
Lol, no worries.
All traffic from that device is going to pass through the router. In order to start communicating with the other device, the first device has to send a packet. The router sees that packet, and routes it to the other device. If there’s no internet connection, things die here, but the router still saw that initial packet.
Depends on the router it’s hooked to and the level of traffic logging being performed. Being connected to a LAN is not the same as being connected to the internet.
Just about all of it. America doesn’t “let” Canada do anything. Go read a fucking history book.
That’s one of the biggest things. The first time they voted for Trump, we could forgive them, since it was hard to predict that he would be quite that awful. But this time? They knew. They knew what he was, what he stood for, and what he would do. They knew, and they chose him anyway.