Sounds like me when I found ecclesiasties
Sounds like me when I found ecclesiasties
Yeah. Someone else pointed out that I misread 个 as 不。 my darn dyslexia had me confidently reading the charecter and adding a whole stroke.
That makes so much more sense now that I realize it was 个 and nkt 不。the grammar was not making sense but i shrugged it off as text speach. Being dyslexic never helped me with the reading portion of Chinese. I would confidently read characters and write the ones that were almost the same, but differed in one or two strokes or a radical.
The text is referencing the toilet, so at least there could be something connected there.
这不马桶- this is not a toilet. 干了什么- what did you do.
My translation with mostly forgotten mandarin schooling. Maybe it will help to show that the picks are connected.
这不马桶。-this is not a toilet. 干了什么- what did you do?
I hope it includes music from the group called microwave. They make some great music.
Chilimac is great. It is not like regular chili and is best topped with cheddar cheese and diced onion.
Interestingly enough, when Eelohim is used to refer to the Hebrew God in the bible, it takes singular verbs, while it take plural when referring to the gods of the nations surrounding them.