Bro there are massive churches, cathedrals, temples, and mosques, across the Middle East, Europa, Asia, Africa, and both American continents… i assure you it’s not unique to whatever country you’re in
Bro there are massive churches, cathedrals, temples, and mosques, across the Middle East, Europa, Asia, Africa, and both American continents… i assure you it’s not unique to whatever country you’re in
It’s possible to acknowledge that yes but no they don’t make good games, just half-assed rehashed entries in the same 4 tired series they’ve been pumping games out of for decades
My work had something like this to detect drug usage on premises for a while (it was and is a problem still) and it costed like 30k capital and 2-3 opex a year. We had it for like a year and only took it out because there were too many false flags and security didn’t and doesn’t have the staff to be chasing down every alert anyway.
It was neat that on paper it was able to detect different drugs, heroin, weed, meth all flagged different alerts with 2 of those contacting police when detected. Unfortunately it was only like 70% accurate and we didn’t/don’t have enough security staff to use it properly so it’s gone now.
Go after the owners of the company, stop letting people hide behind these companies they can start with $100 and 20 minutes online when they commit crimes
I agree but that doesn’t change the fact that intel is collapsing. I don’t think we need to artificially prop up failing companies either, if they are needed and they fail then nationalize their assets and let a closely monitored government entity run the fabs
Probably plan on intel on continuing to implode over the next few years and there not being a competitor lol
Investing in schools is great, love that, but it will take years if not decades to make an impact on the workforce
Yes but that’s far less impactful of a breach than “we’ve actively surveilled and recorded all movements and actions of our customers for decade, stored it all haphazardly, and now someone else got it without paying for it like we normally arrange”
Because that’s the wrong guy… shooter was Matthew Crooks of the same zip code. Thomas Crooks is alive and was posting on twitter last night after the rally with a video of himself saying he obviously didn’t do it
Touch grass
Sure but we’re burning tons of coal to have this thing advertise minion movies, not anything artistic or worthwhile.
Not only staying, they’ll stay and pay more
Gasp, maybe team LH will finally find out the truth about Abu Dhabi ‘21 with this!
Yep, I want marketing to not exist. If your product or service is good then its reputation will stand on its own and spread via word of mouth. Billboards and ads should be criminal as they ruin our scenery and waste our time
You can, just buy the phone unlocked online and then get download an eSIM from a carrier. Bear in mind when buying the phone unlocked you’ll need to pay the full phone price up front and won’t be able to finance it through your phone plan like most Americans
My secops team has a hardon for teamviewer over something internal only like dameware… I just don’t get why. As soon as they mentioned going to team viewer for remote control I mentioned how terrible teamviewer has been with breaches and notifications of breaches but I think my ciso got a very nice dinner…
Oh I’m sure, I have a few left that I’m planning on moving away from soon but have to get approval for paying for vendor support for it and get approval for the brief outage. Some of us aren’t allowed to do it over the weekend or even overnight without regulatory approval
Half a dozen or so yeah
Especially with vehicle and background noise like assholes blaring music while they’re second in line and maybe turning it down while ordering, or douchebags with loud trucks rolling coal in line
Walk in the Vatican City or il duomo in Italy, or St. Paul’s, St. George’s, or Westminster in England, or la sagrada familia in Barcelona… or a large number of other mega churches. Once inside you’ll see they’re comparable to modern mega churches but made ENTIRELY OF MARBLE instead of cheap ass sticks and drywall like American buildings. If you’ve ever been sitting in the pews of il duomo you’ll know you’re truly in a mega church, and once you’re done with service, there like 6 saints entombed a hundred yards from the pulpit, still inside mind you and nowhere close to any of the entrances