So are you saying I can stop blaming my shitty brewing methods and start blaming the yeast! I like it.
So are you saying I can stop blaming my shitty brewing methods and start blaming the yeast! I like it.
Sorry I did not read apartment. I guess I can understand if it is an apartment.
Wait, you don’t know how to easily break into your own house. But it is your own house!
I think you are cherry picking. It says it means both. My 5c: If you think you are unique and you don’t give a fuck about what other people think (example would be a goth or punk imo), then not a snowflake. If you melt down at the slightest touch over others not being like the status quo (example would be a Karen imo). Not a snowflake. If you think you are different, and melt down as soon as someone chalanges that difference (example vegan yelling at someone buying a steak imo) then snowflake.
We only know ftx was stealing due to a run on the exchange. Binance could also easily be in the same boat, we just don’t know, as they have not been tested for there liquidity. Also it turns out ftx pretty much had the money, but it just was not liquid.
I might be wrong, but I assume agricultural barley, is not malted.