I’ll take ‘bridges I would never use because boom’ for $1000, Alex
16+ years at Reddit, now moved here. Do not like drama.
I’ll take ‘bridges I would never use because boom’ for $1000, Alex
This is exactly what I have done since 2005 with them. Showed me years ago that 1800Flowers either was compromised or sells their email addresses.
Fairfax isn’t any better. We looked at a 1625sq ft here that sold for $800k. And it was from the 60s and old as hell.
I also use Joplin!
I joined the army specifically because my grandfather was RA in 1939 and had been wounded in the Aleutian island campaign before being reppled into the ETO in time for the battle of the bulge and dachau. He didn’t talk to his (non military, non combat) son but when I came back from having seen the elephant we had long talks.
The hell with that war.
Saving Private Ryan.
It was a subdued clapping out of respect for those the movie represented.
I have had three in high availability at home but intend to have a look at this thank you!
I must miss them — perhaps because Pi-hole?
Glad I use Apple TVs on LG devices.
Small usb powered fan.
Yup can confirm it shat the bed yesterday often.
As a fairly high up Fed that used to work for a well paid 501c3 same as you I know what you mean.
Yes. And you don’t get the snarky clownshoes responses that are probably just bots anyway.
Another vote for anylist!
Already moved to stake our claim early.
Wait what? I have YouTube TV and pay for YouTube Premium so would love to not do the latter. Where might I find this undisclosed bonus?
I like this.
Was 216845. I’m old.