What does any screaming toddler in the toy aisle expect to gain?
What does any screaming toddler in the toy aisle expect to gain?
It’s the cyberptruck of Nazi salutes.
I don’t remember how old I was when I figured it out, but I do remember being upset about being lied to about it. I’ve got 2 kids now, and whenever they would ask about Santa or the Tooth Fairy or anything like that, I would kind of turn the question around and ask how they thought it worked. Sometimes, I miss believing in that sort of magic, and I didn’t want to take that from them or lie to them, so that’s the balance I found. It seems to be working well. Our oldest had it pretty well figured out by around age 9…our youngest is almost 9 now, and she hasn’t straight up told me she knows it’s not real, but the kinds of questions she asks and how she reasons through her answers I think she’s figured it out mostly as well.
I mean, needless suffering and cruelty are kinda that god’s bag…
Your insurance company isn’t just fucking you with premiums, they also expect the guys that come and fix things up after a disaster to lose money doing it, 0 overhead, 0 profit
I think they use that to help track whether you’re watching or not (I don’t recall ever seeing the “are you still watching?” prompt when skipping intros… but my sample size is 1)
I imagine the implementation would cost them more than the fine…
Shut the front door!
It does sound ludicrous…might be better off making a concave mirror so it reflects and intensifies the light…like a giant magnifying glass over an ant hill. Yeah…that’s how they should do it. Nothing gonna wrong with that.
Our self-inflicted suffering is evergreen.
I got my first PC in the mid 90s. 1st task was to take it apart, but after that, I first learned about the internet through friends, and we had a few computers at school in the library or the BASIC programming classrooms. My primary uses were the Blizzard chat rooms and playing OC starcraft with my friends (though we’d usually just get together at someone’s house and LAN for that.) I had AOL for a while, but couldn’t really afford it and neither could my parent. There was a thing called netZero I used for quite a while…it was free dial-up internet that displayed an ad banner on your desktop, but it wasn’t very intrusive, especially if you had a crazy high resolution (crazy high at the time being > 480x768). My primary uses were picking 2-3 mp3s to download overnight while I slept so nobody would pick up the phone and disconnect the internet, sharing dangerous and stupid amounts of personal info to basically anyone on IRC that asked (a/s/l anyone?), playing around with kitchy little hacker tools (one of my favorites allowed you to attach a malicious executable to your picture you’d send to people that would allow to do goofy shit like open their cd rom or flip their screen upside down). My mom’s only complaint about the internet was when she couldn’t use the phone (so I mostly browsed late at night). It was harder to find things, and there wasn’t much content…what was out there was just text since even images took 10s of seconds to download sometimes. Security and parental controls (beyond fear mongering) were practically non-existant and even when someone’s parents were competent enough to try and lock it down, most of the pare tal controls could be overridden with the local admin account, which we all knew the passwords to because we had install the stuff our parents wanted on the computer anyway.
Good question, thanks for the trip down memory lane!
Animals don’t taste the same way we do. For example, cats don’t have the receptors for tasting sweet things…so they can barely detect sweetness at all.
Dogs only have 25% as many taste buds as humans, so most things have a very mutes taste for them. Plus, every dog I’ve ever had absolutely LOVED cat shit covered in kitty litter, so I never put much faith in their sense of taste.
Yeah, they’ll have flavors they like more or less, just like us, but even we can’t trust our sense of taste as a metric for nutrition…if we could, we’d all be addicted to brocolli and spinach instead of processes foods and sugar.
It’s almost like they don’t want to take any steps to fix the issues because a desperate and angry population is ripe for exploitation.
That means someone at meta thinks the evidence that will come in trial will cost them more than $1.4b
“sudo is not recognized an an internal or external command”
Often, yes, there just aren’t enough union shops anymore.
He’s being oppressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!
Absolutely. I’ve gotten myself spun up about determinism before and eventually decided that I’m going to believe in free will for the time being. Much like theism is for many, the idea of free will is kinda comforting for me and it helps me cope with reality to feel like I (and everyone else) has agency. Plus, if I’m wrong it doesn’t really matter and I never could have been right at this point in my life anyway.
But we never could have designed it any other way (assuming no free will)
Here’s some hints…the lumber we need to build houses, the oil we use to power/heat those houses and transport goods around the country (so, anything that spends time on a semi or delivery truck) and cement. So anyone that needs to purchase things that’s are transported or wants a house should be piping up soon.