I’m sure no online community would constantly prank call that hotline 😎👍
This must be a very important question to whoever keeps funding these studies.
“I’ll be right with you, grampsi, just wanna hear this laundry jingle one last time!”
Gotta go ponder the mysteries of the universe.
Gotta go release my fear.
Gotta go pop a squat.
Gotta go stop a penalty kick.
Thanks, guys, I got it to update with the correct map. This thing has a ton of options! Those of you who want granular control over apps, this is right up your alley.
I had downloaded OsmAnd but forgot about it. After reading this post, I fired it up. It took a minute to download a map for my area. It returned a map of Kansas. I’m in Texas 🤔 I guess I gotta fix that somehow.
🤔 maybe we can have you pedal a bike while you watch to earn more credits? We’ll sell it as some health thing.
Reminded me of this sentence:
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.
Hold on babe AI wants to see a picture of your shillelagh first 🤳
I suppose that app of theirs would work both ways 😂 But the temple app could open with a splash page of the Baphomet statue with the children.
So, in theory, The Satanic Temple could make an app to mark all the Christian households then. I wonder if they’d be interested in that.
I am picturing this legendary dance battle:
Similar quote, from Fight Club of all places 😂 I often hear it in my head when working out:
Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.
No, the chair’s weight limit is 242 pounds. That’s not enough for the might of our bodacious temples.
An old Mexican song, Guitarras, Lloren Guitarras., something like Guitars, Cry Oh Guitars. The music is fantastic and it seemed to me he wasn’t singing about guitars at all.
Lyrics translation:
Guitarras, lloren guitarras,
Guitars, cry oh guitars
violines lloren igual;
violins you cry as well;
no dejen que yo me vaya
don’t let me leave
con el silencio de su cantar.
with your song silenced.
Gritemos a pecho abierto
Let’s yell with a full chest
un canto que haga temblar
a song to make tremble
al mundo que es el gran puerto
this world that is the great port
donde unos llegan y otros se van.
where some arrive and others go.
Ahora me toca a mí dejarlas,
Now it’s my turn to leave you,
ahora me toca a mi marchar;
now it’s my turn to part
guitarras, lloren guitarras
guitars, cry oh guitars
que ahí queda lleno de amor,
that there remains so full of love,
prendido de cada cuerda,
clinging to each string,
llorando a mares mi corazón.
crying oceans, my heart.
Named after Jubei Kibagami of Ninja Scroll, first anime movie I ever watched. The 08 was my jersey number when I played soccer.
After the hair thing in the last video, I don’t know what to expect from him but I’m looking forward to it 😂
I mean, it’s probably better that it doesn’t understand it and then trying to end us like Ultron 😅