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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • people think im stupid all the time so what can i say or do in my posts so that when people get mad or call me names or call me stupid i can just say hey it was satire that way i dont look stupid thats pretty smart right heres an example for you for example i talked about how minion butts …

    1. Satiric jokes tend to be clever and are to be taken lightly/not seriously. Toilet humor and being offensive/getting offended is the opposite. Try some self-deprecating humor first.
    2. write english good because youre post will sound clearer you know with good english than for example bad english since you really cant have sentences that run on forever with no commas and no structure it sounds really not smart like a word salad or accident
    3. Satire and surrealism swiftly subvert societal standards, systematically suggesting subtle surprises. Setup serves as the stage, securing the space for subversion – strategically shifting the spectator’s sense, so as to swiftly shatter their expectations.

    (I’m bad at jokes, so just wanted to make sure my S was obvious enough)

  • If you want to entertain having kids, you need to be ready for a radical shift in your life priorities. Your kids will take priority over just about everything – often even yourself. They’ll take priority over your parents entirely, let alone your personal relationship with them.

    First, are the practical and logistical aspects of your life at all dependent on your parents? I.e. are you fully independent? You will need to be and then some, you’re going to entertain having kids.

    Once you’re fully independent and additionally have resources to spare (time, effort, money, space, etc, usually b/c you’re with a partner you can trust and rely on), then choosing to have kids means starting your own family – not your parents’ family.

    If the grandparents are supportive and helpful, that’s great! They’re extremely welcome to contribute to your kids’ lives (and lighten some of your parenting load!)

    However, if they’re negatively impacting you or esp your kids, then they can lose that privilege. Again, your priority will be your kids. If this is a real concern for you, you’ll need to factor it into your “ready to have a kid” considerations.

  • Distributing power across a group of communities over the same topic (e.g. like seats in a congress/parliament) is a nice thought.

    However, my second thought was how vulnerable that is in a fediverse. To continue the analogy, an adversary could create new states (server/communities) of arbitrary population (accounts) at will.

  • In recreational climbing, skin calluses and surface abrasion aren’t usually much of a concern compared to tendon health. Skin heals light damage quite easily.

    However, it’s not uncommon for a new (or experienced) climber to develop their muscles beyond what their own tendons can take. Since it takes tendons so long to strengthen, it’s common to need managing the risk of finger pulley tendon injuries in climbing.

    Also, I do not know how these nuances apply in your context of your medical condition.

  • wanted to add something to the end of a for-loop, but had too little indentation

    To address this, I prefer reducing length & depth of nested code, so the for/while is rarely ever not visible along with everything inside it. Others have success with editors that draw indentation lines.

    opening up new/anonymous scopes

    I occasionally use Python nested functions for this purpose

  • I find it’s possible to operate Python as a statically typed language if you wanted, though it takes some setup with external tooling. It wasn’t hard, but had to set up pyright, editor integration, configuration to type check strictly and along with tests, and CI.

    I even find the type system to be far more powerful than how I remembered Java’s to be (though I’m not familiar with the newest Java versions).

  • In a sense, money represents all the future goods and services it can buy, and those goods and services ultimately resolve down to someone’s time and effort. Money was conceived as a formalization of IOU’s, after all.

    So it’s similar to asking whether there’s a limit to how much time and effort from (i.e. influence over) others one would want.