Definitely not the Picard Maneuver
Definitely not the Picard Maneuver
Paramount Plus is the worst streaming service with the second best content
There it is
Int score 18 Wis score 16ish Cha score 8 Motivation score 3 Addiction resistance 2
I’ve been known to be smart since I was 7 or so. It’s awful, because my parents assumed that since I could do math I wouldn’t have any mental health problems. D&D is nice because it demonstrates there is more to the brain than a single spectrum, but even that falls short.
You attacked someone, only the guards are allowed to do that.
Big Mouth. Season 4 redoes and then it just gets awful
Enterprise should have ended before the intro, then picked up in season 4
Had this pic had people ass covering the right side of it this whole time?
Videogames, no they’re not a waste of time they’re a huge cultural entity with a grand future.
I’ve been dipping between contact and no contact and low contact for The last 5 years with my parents. My mom and I had a fight that made me realize that she doesn’t and never has cared about who I am and though it’s simplifying things, she’s only really cared about my economic success.
Both parents gave me a variety of complete and total emotional incompetence. I look back on everything I’ve done and I can see the stupid actions I’ve taken as direct memory of my parents and it makes me feel really bad. They were incredibly authoritarian to me and unforgiving while at the same time totally down to entertain my sisters bs.
I’m definitely happier when I don’t talk to them and much more unhappy when I do talk to them the biggest issue is that every time I remember something from my childhood it upsets me. And I remember a lot. And I don’t know how to forgive anybody and I think it’s because I’ve never processed the thousand cuts of disappointment of my childhood. So I don’t talk to them and I don’t know if that’s going to change but telling myself that it won’t change reduces my anxiety.
Everyone else is boring af - syndrome
Juice Pater lives
Oh France, always there to show the world that you can be as stupid as America but in completely different ways
His name was Stan and it was documented in the movie Volcano
Not in Mass Effect!
Tony Stark knew the tesseract and Pym were in the NJ Shield base because Howard told him about meeting Tony there. It would have happened at some point right before the death of the Starks, as Tony needed to look like his older self. Howard probably told it as an oddity, not realizing it was actually Tony.
Ironman tells Cap something like - I know that I know, but I can’t tell you how I know - as if he suddenly put it all together there in 2013. This keeps Cap within the same timeline when he stays.
Can you guys stop making trump the fucking face of lemmy, my fucking goodness.
I handed my girlfriend a hair tie once while at my parents house. Good times were had.