• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • Try to imagine, nothing. Absolute nothing . You ll probably start picturing an empty universe, infinite space with no object or matter, but that still is something. Space even when empty has dimensions infinitely large and everywhere. An infinitly large void is still something. You need to remove it for having nothing, but what do you remove it from? I sometimes try to picture absolute nothing and come to the conclusion that it just cannot be.

  • Dreaming that a gigantic dam breaking and expecting the wave to reach and crush my whole neighborhood. As I could see it coming, from inside, I realized I was in a nightmare and just forced myself to wake up. Struggling really hard to open my eyes In a bit of panic to make it before the wave hits. Pop my eyes finally open, I’m in my bed, in my room. Awake. There are four freaking aliens around my bed! , the classic grey with shiny black eyes in a aluminum suits. They’re studying me and are surprised by my waking up. Took me what felt like another 3 seconds widening my eyes as hard as I could to finally really wake up. Scariest a shtt ever.