Nice try, this Québécois appreciate the gesture. Now let me help you: Trump mon ostie de tache de marde va donc jouer sua ligne jaune une petite heure câlisse de Crisse d’imbécile. Pis crisse nous patience tabarnak.
Nice try, this Québécois appreciate the gesture. Now let me help you: Trump mon ostie de tache de marde va donc jouer sua ligne jaune une petite heure câlisse de Crisse d’imbécile. Pis crisse nous patience tabarnak.
I thought the same thing.
Annulé aussi. Remplis le sondage et mis la fermeture comme raison. Aussi ajouté le désir d’annexer le Canada. J’y pensais depuis un bout déjà, c’est le 8000 gallons qui fait déborder le vase. Asteur y a des alternatives intéressantes à essayer?
We have more than two parties. A minority government is quite possible. But yeah, Poilievre could be in power.
Try to imagine, nothing. Absolute nothing . You ll probably start picturing an empty universe, infinite space with no object or matter, but that still is something. Space even when empty has dimensions infinitely large and everywhere. An infinitly large void is still something. You need to remove it for having nothing, but what do you remove it from? I sometimes try to picture absolute nothing and come to the conclusion that it just cannot be.
Bloc québécois would be amazing.
With a side of freedom fries.
2015 grand caravan. Great family car, two reason it’s not a Honda or Toyota, 10 000$ price difference at the time that my low mileage does not justify but the main point is the stow and go. It turn the family car into a light cargo in seconds.
Tant qu’ a dormir sur une chaise, faite d’une pierre deux coup. allez prendre un numéro à l’urgence pour un des nombreux bobos inévitable quand on est sans abris. Des heure d’ attente au chaud et une consultation en bonus.
C’est vraiment une situation merdique qui empire depuis des années.
Your Highness. It definitely is a bad movie, yet I enjoy it. I admit the lake bath scene is part of the enjoys a able aspect. But even if it was not there, the movie is actually a good dungeons and dragons film. It’s not marketed as such, but for sure that’s a d&d session . Only thing missing iso opening with a young fighter clearing rats in an tavern Cellars.
I didn’t know that guy until I watched that movie. I didn’t know a movie could be so bad. That was beyond lack of talent. It was sabotage, make it bad on purpose.
But there might be cheese crumbs left.
Weld a cheese grater devise to block the airlick
Can Canada apply to join Europe?
Disclosure, an not American. I don’t know much about the greens , I got distributed to get a few weeks ago just for mentioning that whether Stein was legit or not, some of her supporters made good points. USA seems to be locked into a mindset that everything is black or white. If you can’t win the presidency is not worth it. Have Sanders quit the Democrats tomorrow, and recruit a few star player to go with. That would be a real kick in the ass for the Establishment to care about peopl. Think Tea party for the left.
I meant even just a bit left of center, just something sane not totally sold to corporate.
Is now a good time to think about a third party? Actual left one. Not 1995 Republicans left.
Don’t forget to enable the wobbly Windows. It prevent distro hoping.
Dreaming that a gigantic dam breaking and expecting the wave to reach and crush my whole neighborhood. As I could see it coming, from inside, I realized I was in a nightmare and just forced myself to wake up. Struggling really hard to open my eyes In a bit of panic to make it before the wave hits. Pop my eyes finally open, I’m in my bed, in my room. Awake. There are four freaking aliens around my bed! , the classic grey with shiny black eyes in a aluminum suits. They’re studying me and are surprised by my waking up. Took me what felt like another 3 seconds widening my eyes as hard as I could to finally really wake up. Scariest a shtt ever.
I don’t think it would be cheating, it sa very good use of technology.