The new Starter Kit is out and about now. I grabbed one a few weeks ago for my step-son. Are you able to find that in stock? It seemed pretty good from my quick scan.
Astronomer & video game data scientist with repressed anger
The new Starter Kit is out and about now. I grabbed one a few weeks ago for my step-son. Are you able to find that in stock? It seemed pretty good from my quick scan.
They 100% think of it as a lever that makes expenses disappear. They’re often just a little bit surprised when it results in labour disappearing along side the expenses, though.
Importantly, though, this kind of dehumanizing language is purposeful, and it’s extremely harmful. It makes it easier for management to treat people’s livelihoods and lives as disposable.
Keep in mind that “human resources” (sometimes called “human capital” at some especially icky places) is also one of these dehumanizing terms. Treating people as resources that are available to use or process is really gross, and that’s literally the name of the department.
And yet it still has a bunch of ads for PC+ littered throughout it. Despite being grandfathered in, I abandoned it earlier this year for Podcast Republic, which hasn’t spammed me or locked me out of any features I’ve tried to play with despite not having paid them anything.
Honestly, I’d take a woody window to replace the clear glass overlooking the scenic parking lot outside literally any of the apartments I’ve ever lived in.
Self checkouts tend to have a hand scanner too
I’m going to guess that this is regional or vendor specific, because I’ve literally never seen a self-checkout with a hand scanner. And if I ever did, I would expect it to transform into a broken, dangling cable within a few months.
Meanwhile, stores all but stop manning existing checkouts, forcing everyone to line up to check out their own stuff.
In business, all data are vanity metrics. If they make you look good, you slap that shit on everything; if they make you look bad, you “don’t have it”.
It’s just that sometimes you can use negative data to make decisions that look good to those above you, and sometimes you know that you can’t.
their value comes from them being relevant
The news’s value should be to society, though, not shareholders?
So this is what became of Barth after YCDTOTV went off the air.
He was “forced” to buy because he, uh, signed a contract saying he would. I’m sorry, but “voluntarily signed a purchase agreement” is only “forcing” if you believe people above a certain wealth level can do whatever the fuck they want with impunity.
He could have backed out and paid the fine he agreed to pay in the case he backed out, but he didn’t want to do that, either.
He’s not being investigated by someone else.
He can’t win because he’s a fucking idiot.
You’re asking two questions here. One is about some kind of purity test, which… You gotta let that one go. The crowd isn’t here to pass judgement on you, and asking it to do so is a kind of psychological self harm.
The other is about whether using a particular Reddit front end supports Reddit. The answer to that is an unqualified “yes”.
The two together point to you wanting to use Reddit, but not wanting to be judged poorly for doing so, and that’s an anxiety state you don’t deserve to live in. You either believe strongly enough about not supporting Reddit for your own reasons to not use it, or you don’t. And that’s ok, because they’re your beliefs. You’re not some soldier in some holy war.
Gender identity is a advanced topic that children don’t have the ability to rationalize.
If you believe that children cannot comprehend “boy” and “girl”, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Other than we know what all of this is really about. None of y’all are at all subtle about it, nor are you even a quarter as smart as you think you are.
Apparently they just think that their own disengagement with their kids’ education is a conspiracy against them personally.
“I believe other people’s human rights should be violated because I don’t like them” is a great position to have right up until you’re the disliked party.
I imagine you picture yourself as always the top dog. Protected, even, by the belief that even if you find yourself face down in the mud, the people you gleefully abuse will not step on your head to let you drown in the muck.
And you’re probably right that they wouldn’t. Because they’re probably better people than you are, having had to learn empathy in a world that doesn’t think much of them.
But I kind of hope you choke on dirt.
Indeed. An easy and straightforward method of regulatory capture is to convince politicians that the regulations just don’t need to be enforced. “The rules are fair! We totally agree to them! Now, just let us police ourself, which you know we’ll do a good job of because we agreed with your rules!”
Yes, this is ultimately what it means, which means serious effort needs to be made to not let this die down.
Serious effort that I don’t believe will happen, as efforts would need to be constantly escalating to remain in the news cycle.
Here’s a google prompt for you: “raspberry pi police”
People are taking your bait on the 3rd party bullshit, but this cannot be overlooked:
Conservatives fund the NDP
Don’t choke on your tinfoil or anything. Especially not in the name of supporting a right wing party LARPing as something progressive.
Are they still playing apologetics for the cops? Because if so, no thanks.
Huh. I asked it to make me a level 5 Wizard for PF2e, and it spit out… python code to generate one myself???