unless I get a blow drier from your mom
unless I get a blow drier from your mom
I can’t wait to start absorbing the costs of political tariffs!
how are you gonna sell more cars that way? petroleum doesn’t buy itself, you know
gotta nuke somethin’
¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯
he flipped the producer switch
not with that attitude
also works with cats. and, importantly, let them approach you. if a cat thinks it was their idea to be pat, then they will love it so much more.
they ratio’ing errbody out here
wise words. I started just playing to my strengths a few years ago, instead of overachieving for the nebulous award of being “the best”, and my life has gotten immensely more fulfilling.
my current employer isn’t asking me to be the best in my field, just good at what I do, and that feels great. I get shit done, and don’t feel the need to constantly reinvent the wheel. or feel the stress of failure when something is over my head.
I found a ridiculous road closure last week, and GPS routed me through a ton of backroads I had never taken before. It was only marginally faster, but I’m glad I was constantly moving, and not on a highway-turned-parking-lot for those 2 hours. Also, we got to experience some new scenery that we may never have seen otherwise, which is at least interesting.
and after overdoing it on the spicy foods, bidets are a true life-saver
sent from my bidet
unwilling to sacrifice, our kids
the ongoing July