*yet. Who knows what’s down the pike.
Bio coming soon…
*yet. Who knows what’s down the pike.
Make the USA a Canadian province! Oops, got carried away.
So the Onion is just straight-up reporting now? Real-life is stranger than fiction.
“If I put my wedding ring in my pocket, it’s not cheating…”
This is the way.
Would we be shocked if Trump made an EO that reduced Congress to an advisory role? Would our leaders do anything at that point? SCOTUS and Congress will advise the Executive branch only. Whatcha gonna do about that, Schumer and Thune?
I’ve used hosterbox.com for years. Been happy with them.
Silly Canadians. We’re just going to say it’s not real. USA for the WIN! derp
I understand the reference 🤣
I’m new, too, and agree it’s been way nicer than reddit.
Social media. I’ll close the app and put my phone in my pocket, done with scrolling, then immediately take out my phone and open an app.
My wife can watch the Office any time of day. It will be playing on the TV at the most random times.
This guy just won the thread. 🥇
The movie, and the ACDC song wasn’t received well either, maybe because of the movie? Big Gun rocks.
That was going to be my answer too. I enjoy that movie and don’t care what people think.
Man… I’m getting tired of this guy.
If we stop being shitty, the boos will stop. It’s not too hard to understand. I never thought we’d be this bad.
What a clown show.