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Trans woman - 9 years HRT
Intersectional feminist
Queer anarchist
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Fascism is incompatible with any kind of freedom. Free speech is co-opted by conservatives and fascists so that they can promote bigotry without consequence. There is no reason that members of the KKK should be legally allowed to recruit people. That should be against the law. It should be against the law to promote xenophobia, racism, misogyny, and queerphobia. The only people who benefit from a system where you can espouse those beliefs without legal consequence are bigots and fascists.
Nah. You shouldn’t be able to say Nazi shit in Canada without repercussions. The owner of twitter is a Nazi. It should be banned here. The free market of ideas is a lie told by Nazis to make it legal for them to recruit others into Nazism.
It’s because they’re used to male perspective being the default focal lense for all media they consume. Male gaze is more about perspective than it is about aesthetics, something that has seemingly failed to translate into current online discourse.
In essence, all media in a genre they deem belongs to them must see them as their primary audience and must reinforce the perspective they feel is theirs. It’s a kind of patriarchal social egocentrism. Women can exist in those pieces of media, but they have to be defined in relation to a male perspective. This can be a male character within the same work, or it can even be the audience itself by presuming the audience is male.
It’s been so pervasive throughout media over the years that they think of this as being “just how media is”. When media deviates in really any way that media becomes the aberration of the norm. It can be as simple as one of the female characters having a side plot about her that doesn’t involve any of the men, or a female character who isn’t sexually appealing to what the current male psyche desires. The media in question becomes inherently an act of political activism. A transgression.
It’s notable that media from genres deemed not “belonging to the male perspective” is not judged the same way. Men do not become outraged at chick flicks or romcoms or romance novels. They don’t become outraged at drama TV shows made for women about women. Because those things are socially permitted to exist outside of men’s perspectives. It’s usually seen as unique when a man enjoys media that has a female perspective. It’s assumed that he won’t. This essentially means that female perspectives in genres they do see as belonging to them comes across as an explicit attack on them. They avoid the female perspective as much as possible, they denigrate it and demean/belittle it constantly. They do not want to be forced to see the female perspective and will actively resist it.
There’s lots of examples that go beyond this. Lots of media over the past hundred years has broken the rules and been lauded instead of denigrated. But we live in a time where an organized effort exists specifically to promote patriarchal thinking among men and those efforts mean that more scrutiny is being applied to this than ever before. There are entire content engines driving constantly to produce as much patriarchal outrage content as possible, all the time. And it works.
These problems existed long, long before the modern far-right movement started. It’s partly why it works so well. This male egotism in media existed before, and less resistance to it also used to exist. That change in social atmosphere means that men can be manipulated into further and further misogynistic beliefs. All it takes is dogwhistles and a loud, angry, entitled male gamer, and you can radicalize thousands of people into misogyny. And they will repeat that cycle with more or less any boy or man they know.
To make a long story short, anxiety about their perspective not being the default in their favorite genres of media presents a great opportunity to turn young men into fascists. The far right has capitalized on this, and that’s why you see so much outrage about it online. It’s also likely that algorithms have picked up on you being male and will probably show you more of this exact type of outrage content.
It’s just a very literal direct example of American imperialism.
This is a rallying call. Get pissed off about it. Shout how Trump is a fascist, how he’s ruining the country and taking everyones freedoms away. Shouting is how they’ve been winning the cultural political war. They own more media organizations and can be louder. If we say nothing, then the average person thinks what’s happening is fine. You’re not going to get people to riot if they aren’t angry.
This is also a prime example of how Google cannot be trusted, and driving a wedge between the average person and Google is a very important and necessary thing for the anti fascist cause.
I started on Mint, then went to Arch Linux with Gnome. Now, I spend hours a day every day editing the dozens of config files for my Arch + Hyprland setup. I discovered NVIM plugins and decided to figure that out on my own instead of using one of the pre-made plugin packs. Now 90% of the software I use is cli. You can do anything from a terminal, and once you start it’s hard to justify using bloated GUI applications instead. Especially once you make your TE and prompt pretty.
Electoralism is bullshit to begin with. Trump shouldn’t have been able to do what he’s doing at all. An actual developed society shouldn’t be susceptible to fascist takeover, because fascists should be unacceptable in government. And the president shouldn’t be able to do anything they want with nothing but good faith holding them back. The American government fundamentally failed a long time ago. If Harris had won it wouldn’t have been Trump, but she was far from a progressive and would not have changed the government in an attempt to preserve it against future fascist uprising.
Not to mention her commitment to Israel. Not to mention she was part of the Biden administration, and had a direct involvement in the American government’s support for the Palestinian genocide.
Yes, it would’ve been better in many ways if she had won. But the choice never should’ve been between a neoliberal conservative and a fascist. America was broken under Biden, too. Not the way it is, nor the way it will be as Trump’s kingdom rises. But it’s far more nuanced than just “if she had won everything would be swell”. And it’s weird to point out non-voters as the problem, instead of like. The past 5 decades of American politics. The many many many people who did nothing to prevent this from happening over 50 years. The democratic party itself failed to meaningfully respond to his first presidency.
Yes if the people who had stayed home had instead voted, and voted for Harris specifically, she would be president and the outcome would be better for everyone. Undoubtedly. Like Weimar Germany though the government was already fundamentally broken and susceptible to the rise of fascism. To simply and immediately put blame on the voters ignores the actual reasons that situation even came about to begin with.
No, but it shows what they’re capable of. Are you banking on Trump continuing the status quo? Even with all the random threats he’s been throwing around? In charge of the most powerful military in the world? Do you think he’s above labeling us all radical leftist terrorists and sending the militarized police after us?
Things are changing. We have no idea what to expect yet.
You never read it to begin with. If you’re done then stop responding.
I said that you were trying to make me feel threatened, not that I was.
Idk how you can call me living my life as normal “playing dress up”. I’ve had reassignment surgery, I’ve been on hormones for a decade lmao. This is who I am, I’m not dishonestly presenting myself. Also, I thought it was totally cool for me to “be as masculine or as feminine” as I’d like, lmao. Guess you were lying about that.
Sad that it seemed like you were having half a second of self-awareness before losing it again. You don’t seem very adept at critical thinking. Easier for you to try and insult me than actually consider anything I’ve said. I guess you prefer coming across as laughably incompetent as long as you can act like an insensitive douchebag. Oh well. It’s not my job to educate you. Maybe consider vyvanse or some other stimulant medication, though, because you genuinely seem to have a hard time reading and following along with a conversation.
I never said you did. You used the threat of violence from the change in power on January 20th to try and make me feel threatened and afraid. There’s literally no other explanation for what you said. That’s an awful thing to do to someone. Why are you even responding to me at this point if you’re glad that the safety and well-being of other people like me is going to come under attack in a week? Isn’t talking to me at all basically against the ideology of the people you support? They talk about my community like we’re subhuman animals who should be put down for who we are. Because we’re not the same as them and we don’t conform with the expectations they enforce.
If you support attacks on my right to exist, my right to access healthcare and be a healthy person with quality of life, then I don’t see why it would matter if you did or didn’t literally threaten to hurt me.
It wasn’t an opinion, you gleefully referenced the upcoming administration in the US as it will handle trans people. You used the threat of institutional violence to try and make me afraid for my life and safety. Children could read those comments. That would do measureable harm to them. Those are horrible things to say. Your laissez faire attitude about it shows that you are in fact fine with hurting children.
I can see what your comment said in the notification. Even if you delete it. I responded like an hour later lol
Well because 10 million people is more than enough to commit crimes against humanity on a frankly ungodly scale. You can commit genocide with those numbers.
I’m an anarchist, so ideally I’d advocate no government whatsoever in which case we could… shall we say do away with the nazis the way God intended. But we don’t, do we. We live in a society with prisons that currently house millions of people who shouldn’t be there. Nazis should be there, or dead. Either is fine but the least we could do is lock them up and prevent them from interacting with other humans.
Barrack Obama did nothing to prevent fascism. He was an American imperialist who was directly involved in the mass murder of innocent people in the middle east. I also just honestly love that you defended my strawman version of your arguments, genuinely incredible.
Saying that you’re not a progressive is as good as saying you don’t really care if Nazis take over again. You’re not invested in it enough to actually try and change anything.
You also ignored 90% of what I had to say about Hitler. I guess because you have no legitimate response to that? Do you believe that Hitler just came along to find a Germany that was already genocidally bigoted towards queer people and jews? If so you were given a seriously poor education. Germany was arguably the most liberal country in the world leading up to his rise to power. Your failure to understand that Trump played into the exact same political strategies that Hitler did belies your poor understanding of how Hitler came to be democratically elected. The world was not that dramatically different from today. People relied on mass media in much the same ways they do today, just at the time that was print and air waves. Radio stories and misinformation can be broadcast on the same day they happen though, much like social media stories can today. The media is and has always been inherently intertwined with fascism. It’s how you can indoctrinate someone into genocidal bigotry. Tell them everyone is lying to them and secretly jews control everything, and make it so that’s all they hear all the time from birth, and you have created a mass indoctrination machine and predisposed all those people towards genocidal violence.
Okay. I mean, you’re not upsetting me by saying it. I’m a grown woman. Nice to know that you’re indifferent to hurting children, though. By your own admission here.
Hitler was elected my guy. There’s no evidence that his electoral victory in 1933 was in any way tampered with. He was democratically elected. He ran on a campaign of ending democracy. Same deal as Trump pretty well. He also served prison time. He was punished by the law. That didn’t stop the people for voting for him to end democracy. He campaigned on genocidal authoritarian fascism. He bought media companies and proliferated fascist ideology over radio and newspaper. He had movies made to promote fascism. But he broke no laws doing any of that. He was elected.
You are essentially saying that the government of Weimar Germany did nothing wrong. They prosecuted him legally for crimes he committed during an insurrection attempt. Then when he was free he ran about talking about how great fascism is and how awful the jews are and how great it’d be if he got elected cause he’d take all the jews out of the government and the schools and the media. All of those were actual campaign points of his. People readily voted for it. They practically worshiped him before he was even elected.
Nazis don’t deserve fairness. Nazis should be met with a fist. They advocate the destruction of liberty and crimes against humanity. They indoctrinate others into genocidal bigotry. Tolerating their presence at all is unacceptable, and they should be forcefully removed from society by legal frameworks.
I also never said you were a conservative but that you were convinced by conservatism. Liberalism is also not a left-wing ideology. Individual rights is mostly a buzzword for unfettered and unrestricted capitalism. Elon Musk loves talking about individual rights and freedom of speech from his billionaire fascist pulpit where he silences anyone arguing against him lol.
Ironically this conversation always comes up in conversation about how “we really need to let Nazis speak you guys. No don’t silence them it’ll hurt democracy’s feelings :( yes they’re convincing everyone to kill the minorities but no no no we need to let them talk, yes i know they recruit regardless of whether we tell anyone their fascists because their entire ideology is based on non-falsifiable conspiracies about minorities secretly controlling the world but no it’s okee we just need to let them talk and everyone will reject them im sure” aaaaaaaaaaand fascists have taken over your country. The same way they did in the 30s. And the 20s. The same way they have time and again over and over and over, proving without any shadow of a doubt that history will endlessly repeat itself specifically because everyone seems hellbent on refusing to learn from it.
Yeah you’re a liberal. You’re not a leftist or a progressive. I’m an anarchist, ironically as you listed that there lol Nazis can get bent, and the government should’ve had them all sentenced to life in prison without outside contact. If, you know, the government actually cared at all about preventing a fascist uprising. Kinda too late now, there’s probably a good 10 million totally indoctrinated american fascists, at least.
If this is already true then how does making it illegal to be a Nazi change that? If Nazis will already get into power (and then restrict non-nazi or anti-nazi speech), then what exactly is the risk of making it illegal to espouse Nazi ideology?
Nazis will limit my speech if they get into power one way or the other, what are you talking about lol. If they get into power they will literally kill me, that’s their stated goal.
Okay, well, in FreeSpeechAbsolutismLand the nazis will now run around convincing everyone that being a Nazi is totally cool and you should do it too, fast forward and congratulations Hitler just got elected because the Nazis bought out the major media organizations and indoctrinated everyone into Nazism. Now, let’s review. Is there anywhere along the way that the government could have done something to prevent Nazis from taking over the country?
Like, come on, this is so ridiculous. You’ve been so convinced by conservatism that restricting the right to say literally anything immediately turns your country into Soviet Russia that you’re here protecting Nazis. It’s just foolish. You’re acting like it’s absolutely impossible to have any laws at all because inevitably they will be misinterpreted to their extreme. It’s like “should murder be illegal because what if people in power decide fetuses count as people and are therefore murder-able” like no we can actually restrict specific things. I don’t see many people advocating the legalization of murder so as to prevent abortion rights from being restricted by advocates of fetal personhood.
I mean I’m not advocating for that though. I don’t think it’s impossible to restrict specifically fascist rhetoric. I don’t think it’s impossible to make it illegal to advocate for genocide of racial and gender minorities.
They are less useful than a Wikipedia search and a dictionary. They can functionally replace humans in 0 fields that were not already automatable by machines. They are useless in any situation that warrants any degree of caution about safety.
85-90% is way over-estimated, it gets significantly worse dealing with specific tasks. And even if it was 85-90%, that’s not good enough, even remotely, for just about anything. Humans make errors too, but inconsistently and inversely proportional to experience. This makes no difference to the LLM though, it will always make errors at that exact rate. The kinds of errors it can make are also not just missteps but often pure delusion and very far from what the input was requesting. They cannot reason. They have no rationale. They’re imitation in its most empty form. They cannot even so much as provide information reliably.
They also ruin every single industry they come into contact with, and even worse they have utterly destroyed the usability of the internet. LLMs are a net negative for humanity in so many different ways. They deserve as much attention and investment as chatbots did back in 2005.
Their best use case scenario is in churning out an endless amount of lifeless soleless jpg background noise and word salad articles. Their best use case is in tricking people into giving them money or ad revenue. Scamming is the only thing they are anywhere near functionally useful for.