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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • founded on Capitalism

    I don’t think that’s accurate. I cannot fathom why people think it’s necessary to say dramatic yet untrue things when they’re trying to get a point across. Sure, the main point you’re trying to make is true but when your opening statement is incorrect you’re just undermining your entire point.

    The united states was not founded on capitalism because capitalism wasn’t a prevalent force. It was founded on slavery.

    is a basket case of rampant Greedy Capitalism, Slavery, War Profiteering and Bullying

    True; no notes.

    always been the case and has never stopped

    This is an oversimplification of history. It makes for a powerful speech but it’s pretty garbage as far as convincing anyone who doesn’t already agree with you.

    Ever since the British tried stopping George Washington from usurping American Indians’ land.

    I’m gonna need a citation for this it’s entirely possible this is referencing something I’ve never heard of, but it’s also possible that it’s lionizing the British because “America bad”.

    I’m bored now. Critique over.

  • I really don’t understand how this is so hard for people. If calling someone a hippopotamus makes them happy

    I can’t speak for everyone about this, but referring to someone as (like in the example that you use) a “hippopotamus” is fine. I personally think of myself as a cat, and though I don’t personally enjoy actually being referred to as such I can understand other people who would and I can accommodate them. My personal wrinkle with this is far more nuanced.

    I’m a gender abolitionist. I regard “gender” as a particular aspect of identity that holds cultural significance. I don’t think aspects of identity should be given so much consideration and weight, and I don’t think it’s useful to refer to something as “gender” when it previously hasn’t been, because that makes my goals less achievable. I also don’t think there should be gendered or personalized pronouns, period. I use gendered pronouns because that’s what society expects of me, but these new ones are not only unnecessary the same way gendered pronouns are but also often aestheticly displeasing. For these reasons and others, I get annoyed by neopronouns, especially bespoke ones. Furthermore, I find the idea of pulling more aspects of identity under the nebulous umbrella of “gender” to be regressive.

    Hope that helps you understand.