Here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of/
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of/
Here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of/
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of/
The apocalyptic scenario depicted in the movie is suggested to be brought about by failing to encourage the correct couples to reproduce. Implying that certain people for certain reasons are unworthy because their progeny are not suitable stewards of the planet.
There is though, there’s a whole scene about poor=dumb and horny vs rich=smart and chaste. It’s very easy to forget since it doesn’t solidly tie in as much as the producers may have hoped
There’s an implied statement in that scene: “if their parents and grandparents were different people, this world would not be in ruins.” Mercifully a lot of viewers interpreted the film as a satirical view of the progression of society in general or humanity overall. But the scene as it is laid out says the wealthy smart people died out and left only the dumb poors to inherit the earth.
I would caution against self hosting email long term. It’s fine for the educational value but there’s a lot of annoying obstacles you can encounter repeatedly even after everything is established.
The eugenics component of the movie is gross, no wonder I fail to remember it.
So TikTok isn’t strictly covers with flying text anymore? Jesus I’m out of the loop on this.
Unless they’re due to give birth. Also curious about people who might be in the middle of an oceanic flight. I’m sure there are other typical circumstances that would be hell.
If you use Firefox you’re already a part of an extreme minority.
I still prefer them for work phones. Gestures to open the camera or turn on the flashlight are a lifesaver for me.
There’s also a story in the hammer and sickle itself. It was spun as a symbol of ‘all workers’ but its original purpose was to depict an alliance between farmers (who owned the land they worked) and the tiny population of wage earners in Russia’s largest cities (who didn’t even own their homes). The farmers saw no reason for the new policies so concessions had to be made.
Lenin’s Russia had to leverage the state apparatus to fiercely industrialize and capitalize, effectively creating an enormous business conglomerate with a company store that encompassed nearly every product in the nation outside the black market. But with all the complacency of abject monopoly. They couldn’t skip generalized capitalism, and so they created it in a way that seriously disadvantaged workers as capitalism does.
Yeah I had a similar struggle. I don’t think I’ve been so caught off guard by a visualization.
Can confirm. I struggled to remember the name of the ancient website vampirefreaks after the concept came up in conversation and out of the big search engines only Bing’s flavor of chatGPT could tell me what I was looking for.
And the windows+P multi monitor control doesn’t work before login in 11 because it’s part of the taskbar now
You’re right but I’m not happy about it.
Probably because America bad, eat the rich.
It would only work if it was still a massive privacy invasion. They either feed you ads or sell your data, they’re not going to offer a service that can’t at least do one of those.
Trypophobia is actually just disgust I’m pretty sure. Phobias are supposed to be somewhat crippling in context. Almost everyone I know that proclaims to have trypophobia just shivers or cringes a bit.
When people describe things to me, that I believe they feel are creepy, my eyes get watery. Not sure why
Productivity is actually a bad thing, in the current economy increases in productivity has a positive correlation with increases in poverty. Look at how groceries are more expensive than ever while self-checkout only becomes more pervasive.
If I had to take a guess I would venture that this person says “It’s not my nitch.” and “wow that product is very neesh.”
I swear I’ve met someone like this now that I think about it