I need my GIF button
I need my GIF button
Are you calling the server list on joinmastodon.org “the federation”? Because it’s not; it’s literally just a list. Nothing about the list tells you about any actual federation between instances. Without a doubt there are instances on that list that are federated with ones not on that list and vice versa. It’s not even the only list out there.
This would be a good thing, though I think it’s trickier than it appears:
Jellyfin has certainly improved a lot since I started using it a couple of years ago. I remember when the web UI was much slower and posters would fail to load. Things are faster now and more consistent.
With that said, there are still some big issues that I encounter. Adding a new show has its individual episodes count towards the “Latest” item limit so a single big show can completely dominate that section with a single entry. Adding multiple episodes of a show simultaneously results in randomly ordered “new content” notifications which look really bad when output in something like Discord notifications. The web app has a pretty dated UX.
I think it’s important to be real when talking about something like Jellyfin so it’s not misrepresented. It’s a rough product that is constantly being improved, albeit slowly.
There’s also a whole other conversation to be had about the job of self-hosting Jellyfin vs. letting Plex snoop on your activity and habits.
I had no idea Sonarr supported Discord webhooks!
However, I haven’t considered Sonarr for a couple of reasons:
Happy to be corrected on the above; if not for them I would gladly commit to Sonarr.
Thanks for the suggestion.
There’s nothing wrong with being right all the time, but relationships need more than just the exchange of facts. If all people know you for is the guy who is right all the time (or needs to be right all the time), then maybe you’re neglecting the other aspects of those relationships. There needs to be other things people remember you for.
Is this a repost? I’ve seen this exact same post somewhere.
Anyway, SimpleX may not be decentralized OOTB, but can be made to be since their relays are self-hostable. It should be as simple as spinning up an instance and changing the url in app.
At the beginning of the pandemic I looked into ways to de-Google and found Nextcloud. It wasn’t the easiest thing to start with, especially for a novice, but I had the time and the hardware, and I’m the type to not mind jumping into something difficult if it means solving a specific problem. I then found out about Bitwarden and had a great experience setting that up. After that I was confident enough to try hosting anything I could find. It’s been good times ever since 😀
I came to this sentiment a few years ago when I first switched over to Jellyfin and was figuring out metadata providers and investigating the -arr services.
To be fair to Sonarr, I never found any kind of communication where they explicitly said “TMDB will never be supported” so I shouldn’t have said so explicitly “Sonarr has made it clear”, but a lot of the responses to support about TMDB that I came across had included suggestions like “stop using Sonarr”, “Sonarr is free so enjoy what you’re getting”, and “if you want a feature, add it yourself”. These answers, while technically valid, had a pretty stubborn tone, at least to me.
Also, while the people providing these kinds of answer obviously don’t necessarily represent Sonarr as a whole, they did claim to be active supporters, and I found enough of them at the time that it soured my impression of Sonarr.
I think I may have found a few of them from back then:
Edit: As for why they won’t support TMDB, some of their apparent reasons are discussing in the above posts, but I don’t know how relevant or valid they are today, or even if they were back then.