“I don’t understand why you’d run so many VMs can you can just run it on bare metal”
It’s fun! This is a hobby. It doesn’t have to be practical.
“I don’t understand why you’d run so many VMs can you can just run it on bare metal”
It’s fun! This is a hobby. It doesn’t have to be practical.
Get rid of that molex to sata adaptor, they catch fire. Molex to sata = lose your data
6 nodes? I assume you mean containers and not nodes. 6 nodes is overkill for any home user.
I’d suggest using prowlarr over Jackett since it integrates with sonarr and radarr.
I’d hate to defend this ridiculous company but the price is “up to” so cheaper plans are available, and the one you’re quoting includes ink for 700 pages a month which I doubt a new printer for $35 will do.
That looks like a router not a modem
I use hikvision and the quality is great in low light. I haven’t connected them to the internet since I use Frigate and Home Assistant to monitor the feeds.
Torrent V2 allows the creator to change the files in the torrent. They can replace good files with bad files etc. It’s not a perfect solution.
Does this include the windscreen?
Thanks for your contribution.