Elon’s StarLink WILL accelerate the Kessler syndrome, also reminder that the Nazi literally put a tesla-sized space-junk in space
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Elon’s StarLink WILL accelerate the Kessler syndrome, also reminder that the Nazi literally put a tesla-sized space-junk in space
LibreWolf, OpenRA, WarZone-2100 & LBRY
Oh & I forgot to mention Fossil
Ok then why don’t they move to other repos ? Ever since Microsoft took over GitHub, the attacks have ramped up
Wasn’t me, but let me downvote you anyway. Like what will you swap to ? Suckless browser 😂
Ok so what we need is a Mozilla alternative, yo EFF; What are you upto ?
Actually how about SeaMonkey
Use librewolf then or any other FireFox fork. It’s not that deep, keep a level-head
Of course it did, While we are at it, are there any programmes that aim to clean up space junk ?
What about the people who already own HPs. Fuck you HP
Something we all agree on
I’ll be bookmarking the website & thank you
So in a nutshell, it’s malicious because you said so
Ok gotcha Mr/Ms/Mrs TechnoBigot
Buddy China alone outclasses USA in trade (they’re even under sanctions)
Ok time for Matrix & XMPP (or even IRC😉)
We seriously need a FOSS+FOSH printer
I have even thought of some names:
Or it would fast-track the development of clean & renewable energy
Why don’t you live in a cave then & why are you even posting this ? Be the change you want to see bro/sis ?
Yes that one, comes with built-in ticketting, wiki, bug-tracker & webserver & web-UI
We were talking about Printers, my friend