You yourself aren’t even using a account. Your take on the matter is backwards and bizarre. is NOT “Lemmy”
Hell, during the great reddit migration, if I recall correctly, had to cap sign-ups.
Like I said, maybe you. I didn’t see a value judgement in your comment, beyond the fact that you thought of it in a way I hadn’t.
Still, so many of the "OC"s out there are spec-art, done on commission, that I don’t really see the label as claiming to be an artist, or the artist, who composed a given work. OP creditted the AI used(if not any “in the style of” prompts…), which is more than a lot of these kind of posts have provided in the past.
Original Character, vs Original Content. I saw the former in use long before the later, and in reference to designs which were much more cookie-cutter in spec(ie, mmorpg characters, basically amounting to multiple-choice components and some sliders).
I don’t believe for a second anyone, beyond maybe you, is downvoting on that criteria.
Idk, it seems like the same ten-or-twelve morons downvote anything slightly cool in each of the communities I’m in. They strike quick, but the up-votes turn them into background noise before too long.
Looks like transphobes.
I mean, you and I hope they are remembered forever as the villains they are, so, like I said, they should hope to go down as little more than footnotes.
A lame-duck 2nd term is the best Trump’s legacy can hope for.
I’m too old to bother, but thanks for the advice. Both should hope to be forgotten in our lifetimes.
Blow up the scale of the sails enough, and entirely wind-powered version of that land-ship is possible:
Yes, yes, futa too. If they sell one or a million, it’ll be harder to find the fetishes that its NOT used for. Even hand-holding and remembering dead loved ones.
Oh gods, its not even holographic? … and what’s with the complete lack of imagination on the part of whoever wrote that headline? This can and will be used for talking to anthropomorphic dicks, assuming anyone buys it at all.
As I mentioned previously, I am aware of the options on PC.
I mean, I’m aware of the near-infinite ways to accomplish what I’ve described on PC or Mac. Android or iOS are the environments I’ve not found a convenient way around the limitations, and sadly where I do most of my content-consumption.
There’s hard truth, and there are people fixated on celebrity gossip. The latter contributes nothing to the former.
I Subscribe nearly every community I see come up on c/newcommunities(On which instance you say? My answer: YES, to any instance that has a /newcommunities, I’ve subscribed all of them that I am aware of), never touch /all, and still find myself able to answer any and all questions like OP’s when they aren’t relating to irrelavent or indeschipherable garbage-topics. That’s the hard truth.
I’m just trying to save you from eye-rot. If the concern of others bothers you, that’s not my problem.
Whole point of using different browsers for me is keeping things seperate. I don’t sign into anything on Chrome, and all I use it for is …
Anyways, I wish I could just have multiple installs of a browser I almost trust, but keep the various categories of cookies and logins seperate from one another.
This post was the first I’ve seen about it on Lemmy, or anywhere. Who are you people who haven’t realized the cancer that is /all, whether here or that other place?
She turned 18 a couple years after upskirt photos became illegal in Brittain. Not so sure about the timing of similar laws in the US, I just remember the press about it during the aughts.
To be fair, I thought she was a few years older than she is, so I had to look up the the timing of it all, but I also thought “legal upskirt photos” were a more ancient matter as well.
secede*, but yes