It looks like you’re summoning a minor demon!
It looks like you’re summoning a minor demon!
I’m sure they will get fined for it, and the fine will be considerably less than the extra money they take in from people who don’t notice…
Unless I expect to see it, I cannot see it.
I don’t know if it’s a gift or a curse, but around my house, I’m the only one who can find anything - but it’s not because I scan the room and see it, but because at some point in the past, I happened to notice, and I just remember where nearly everything is, whether I want to or not. I guess it’s my coping mechanism.
In my 20s, I (a guy) briefly dated a girl who was hopelessly infatuated with a gay guy. I guess technically it wasn’t a triangle because the gay guy had a pretty serious boyfriend, so more of a quadrangle… She got in between them, got him drunk & got herself knocked up, he “did the right thing” and married her, had another kid, then they got divorced after he had an affair with a guy…
It’s funny, I have her friended on Facebook, mostly because the drama is often entertaining, but I usually keep my comments to myself. When the divorce happened, she made this long post that basically said “woe is me, how could this have happened?” I couldn’t resist responding with “maybe because you married a gay guy?”
What even is plain text anymore? If you mean ASCII, ok, but that leaves out a lot. Should it include a minimal utf-8 detector? Utf-16? The latest goofy encoding? Should zcat duplicate the functionality of file? Generally, unix-like commands do one thing, and do it well, combining multiple functions is frowned upon.
How do you propose zcat tell the difference between an uncompressed file and a corrupted compressed file? Or are you saying if it doesn’t recognize it as compressed, just dump the source file regardless? Because that could be annoying.
Not so much volume, but just the different options available. Example, if food is subsidized, then food vendors can increase prices to soak up the excess. But if people just get money, and food vendors try to soak it up, people can spend their money on building a greenhouse and growing their own vegetables. If every industry tries to raise prices, at some point it becomes worthwhile for people to do things themselves, then trade with each other, undercutting the larger industries. Basically, the libertarians’ wet dream could actually happen with UBI.
I think that’s a difference between subsidizing specific things vs subsidizing all the things.
And those who are content to sit at home or not work, is fine by me. Because I’ve worked with a lot of people over the years who only have a job because someone told them they needed a job. They were miserable fucking people to be around and we were more productive the days they called in sick or skipped. Some people should be paid to stay the fuck at home, and society would be a better place for it.
This needs repeating - so here I am repeating it. I’ve worked with those same people, hell I’ve been that person when I was working the only job I could find, absolutely didn’t want to be there, but needed the money so couldn’t afford to be taking the time to find where I did want to be.
do you believe capatilism can co-exist with UBI?
UBI might be the only thing that can save capitalism.
I have this vague memory of one of the CSIs showing a list of IP addresses with 4-digit octets… I get not wanting to risk using real IP addresses, but at least use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x x
No better way to steal money than free enterprise.
Then the fun part is finding which monkey has the result…
Are you able to do this?
Ahead of time, I could answer truthfully that I am able. I don’t have to say “but when the time comes, I may choose not to for any reason”
Depends on where & when, but yeah, biggest bank run I ever made was about $10k, enough to have some fun with sure, but not enough to disappear forever with. Certainly not to Japan.
One way or round trip? That makes a big difference…
100 GB is some rookie numbers. I’ve had 8tb for years, I’m only half full and the drives are starting to age out. I’ve already replaced one with a 4tb drive, once the rest are replaced, it’ll be 16tb total.
I will argue that if a problem was solved in the past without violence, it’s only because there was nonetheless the threat of violence. Gandhi is the classic example - he’s the one everyone remembers, but he wasn’t the only leader in the struggle for Indian independence. Those in power generally refuse to negotiate with terrorists, but given the possibility of prolonged bloody conflict, they may choose to negotiate with the nonviolent alternative.