I don’t know how well it scales, but I find Metro to be rather good. Find it of f-droid. I like that it randomizes the playlist rather than gets the list of songs and applies randomization to the play order. It also shows lyrics at a touch, if they’re in the metadata, and apparently recognizes lyric synchronization if it is there.
At least Chromecast for TV basically does this. I can search for something and it will tell me all the ways I can watch for any installed app even unsubscribed.
Still, the issue of paying multiple monthly fees to see what you want is ludicrous. It’s as if the media companies maliciously complied with consumers’ desire to pick and choose what they watch rather than pay $200 a month for 1000 stations they don’t watch.
Now, you have to pay $200 to get all the services that have what you want to watch - and you still have to sift through the drek.
Much better, that. /s