Every now and again I crave sweat inducing, tear rolling spice, it does hurt and it is spicy but somehow I get a buzz out of it… Kinda bizzare really.
Every now and again I crave sweat inducing, tear rolling spice, it does hurt and it is spicy but somehow I get a buzz out of it… Kinda bizzare really.
Control your children, or don’t have them. Fuck you.
Put your dick in crazy, other fun associated with that comes with the package.
I have 3 kids, they’re much older now and I love them dearly… Have another one? I would rather cut my cock off with a rusty spoon. I have no clue how I got through all of the crying and bullshit.
Yea, problem is I can shield in place whilst the worst passes and still be alive…
Climate change is going to kill us all reasonably slowly, but it’s OK because we’re in the brink of nuclear war which will kill us quickly… Unfortunately, where I live isn’t a historic nuclear target, but areas around me are, so I’ll not be vaporised, and have to endure the chaos…
But… It’s pizza day tomorrow so there’s that.
Run Lola Run
It’s one of a handful of non English films (subtitled) that I’ve watched… I forget how I ended up watching it, but it really was an awesome flick.
That knife fight at the end was an absolute masterpiece.
Run your own vpn, and only allow access to your services remotely if they are coming through that vpn.
Now you’ve shifted some of the security over to how secure your vpn server’s authentication is.
Mandrake 7.1 - it was aweful.
Agreed… A lot of the complexities don’t necessarily need to go, but a way to abstract them away, if you want to, would be much more attractive.
The less hoops people have to jump through the better.
Regardless of what has or hasn’t happened… I really want to know what the hell congress were on about when talking of “crashed UAP’s with “biologics”” - what fucking biologics? Human test pilots? Funky new biological components? Aliens?!
I hate that it’s all cloak and dagger… Just fucking spill the beans about what the hell you’re on about damn it!