Acid King
Witch Mountain
Bloody Panda
Couch Slut (more hardcore/noise)
Acid King
Witch Mountain
Bloody Panda
Couch Slut (more hardcore/noise)
Weirdly enough, DVDs are still by far the most popular physical format.
Top 3 concert for me
Sunn O)))
Black Boned Angel
Nurse with Wound
Dem Bones, my favorite trick or treat candy
She was a Japanese high school student who was kidnapped, raped, tortured, and finally murdered after 40 days by a group of teenage boys who almost all got severely light sentences. The perpetrators were known to have bragged about their crimes and their family members desecrated her grave for ruining their sons’ lives.
Gangsta Boo
La Chat
Zigg Zagg - Suicidal, The Argument pt 2
B for Better - What’s the Point?
missink is doing some awesome battle raps on PenGame