Grain is another matter, a controversial one, and unfortunately, also has to do with the elections. But you also have to understand the Polish farmers who make their living from these grain sales and suddenly their source of income has disappeared because the Polish market has been flooded with supplies from the east. I am not a supporter of this embargo, but I am aware that the issue is complex and that it cannot all be reduced to “Poland is Ukraine’s friend only on paper.”
Yes, I can agree to some extent. I just want you to understand why this is not so obviously evil move of Poland. Grain export to Poland alone has not been a huge part of Ukrainian economy. To show the scale, when we compare year 2021 and 2022, the import of wheat is 168 times bigger and for corn its almost 300x. And in 2023 it was still growing. There were just no way for Polish farmers to sell their own crops