Owner / operator of moose.best
I don’t know if I would call it lying per-se, but yes I have seen instances of AI’s being told not to use a specific tool and them using them anyways, Neuro-sama comes to mind. I think in those cases it is mostly the front end agreeing not to lie (as that is what it determines the operator would want to hear) but having no means to actually control the other functions going on.
I slept like a baby through it. I did feel the first one, but that was during the day while at work.
Yup, heard about it a week or two ago. Found it installed on my Samsung phone, it never asked for permissions or gave any info that it was added to my phone.
It’s like he’s forgotten that trade consists of both money AND goods. We’re not just passing money back and forth while secretly keeping some of the USA’s cut. Like even kids can understand this. And yes it’s even more infuriating since we’ve been good to the USA, I’m sure many countries around the world would love a neighbour like Canada.
This was never about the border or drugs but Trump said jump and Canada asked How high?
This, sadly. I do not think a single thing Canada will do will have Trump change his tune. He has been told Canada has been screwing the US for whatever reason, and now he wants revenge like all the other actions he has taken this term so far. Still, I think we need to at least try, that way the more sane Americans (and the rest of the world) will hopefully realize that attempts were made by Canada, programs were put into place at the US’s request, and all ignored by Trump.
I think what OP is trying to say is that people in their age range will end up being the last of those people, ie. the internet was one of their earliest memories and that happened to be right as it took off. A similar example from my age range, we will probably be the last to remember the WTC attacks as they happened. It’s one of the earliest memories I have. Not me specifically, unless I am graced with an incredibly long life, but someone around my age who is.
Just last week actually. I was visiting my parents and we were having dinner with the radio on. I started talking about how I was learning the piano and had most of The Scientist by Coldplay learned, and how I like the piano part in the song a lot. And as I finished talking, it came on the radio, just perfect timing. I actually thought the smart speaker somehow picked up on me saying the song name but nope, definitely was just good timing on the radio station.
She was making fun of the size of my antlers.
I’m not on lemmy.ca but as a moose I appreciate this post and my fellow Canadians 🇨🇦🫎
It’s just the chassis, screen, battery, and keyboard. You would just buy one of their boards separately to go in it, or make one yourself I suppose.
This is entitely on brand for Bitcoin Cash from what I remember years ago when the split happened. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a scam coin, but the community was very sketchy.
Just like ma used to make! Before the lead got to her…
Yeah, it was a Da Vinci back around 2012 I want to say? It was at a robotics competition as an exhibit, I just happened to go past while it wasn’t busy and got to spend 5 minutes manipulating a little toy they had set up. It felt incredibly futuristic with the 3D display and finger controllers.
I got to try one of these surgery robots one time and it’s to this day probably one of the coolest things I’ve been allowed to control.
Wait - I sing “I Will Survive” for karaoke, what’s the deal with that? Does everyone now think I’m gay? Because they would be wrong, I’m actually bi.
My AOL email. I didn’t actually make it, my Dad did and I was so young I literally don’t remember a time without it. I still check it despite migrating most of my accounts away.
Wouldn’t it be good to have the truth during investigations?
Well, yeah, but the mind is fallible. That’s why eye witness testimony usually only gets a case so far, people tend to forget specifics and fill in the gaps without realizing they did.
In the gaming world, for example, MSI announced this year a monitor with a built-in NPU and the ability to quickly show League of Legends players when an enemy from outside of their field of view is arriving.
…So it just lets them cheat? I remember when monitor overlay crosshairs were controversial, this is insane to me.
If a consumer watches something on their Apple TV and then presses the pause button, a Roku TV set could use either audio or video-based content recognition technologies (known in the industry as ACR) to identify what’s being watched, match the current scene to a database and extract relevant information to pair an ad with it.
Wow somehow their idea is even worse than I imagined, glad I don’t own a Roku now.
It is true what they say… Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9.