Dr Pepper made with real sugar, the taste with HFCS is just not the same.
SteakEze had these microwave angus burgers that you could get at BJs that basically mimicked McDs flavor. Whenever one of us was craving fast food, we could pop it in the microwave and it scratched that itch and was much cheaper, easier and faster. Sadly haven’t seen them for sale anymore and they got taken off the website.
The thing I miss the absolute most is some fruit nectars I used to get that came in big glass bottles, by Fruit of the Nile. They had mango, strawberry guava, guava and orange mango and they were all so incredibly good. My favorite was the mango, it was rich and thick and luxurious, almost just a fruit puree. They made the best mixers. I still use the bottles around the house. I don’t think the company made it through Covid 😫
Those numbers are old, btw. The numbers got skewed when people were finally legally able to divorce each other freely in the 70s and without much social stigma. Modern divorce rate is more like 25-35% So that’s a good chance that wedding ring will stay on :)