That’s pretty reductive and bad comparison. Your example boils down to saying that you could argue guitarist is a machine assisted.
That’s pretty reductive and bad comparison. Your example boils down to saying that you could argue guitarist is a machine assisted.
My art software, 99% of music software/plugins. Other than that, I’d be good to move to Linux. I’ve been dual booting for years now. But Linux isn’t for everyone. There’s a lot of stuff missing, and when everything works it’s great. But troubleshooting isn’t a slope of problems that increases gradually in the difficulty, it’s actually a cliff.
Dude. Take a chill in the bathtub and touch grass. AI is never taking my job, since it’s physical labor since I removed myself from the computer industry 15 years ago. But as someone who studied AI and LISP (which was mired in the previous AI craze), it’s not actually wrong to have animosity and be skeptical about the current AI. we’re literally using the same techniques than we did 30 years ago. We’ve invented nothing new since the last AI fad. What is driving this craze is the brute force approach of massive parallel processing, not actual innovation.
There’s been some minor refinement, so it’s not exactly identical, but to use a metaphor… We’ve using more Lego bricks and different colours now to build our castles, but they’re all still lego bricks. Nothing has fundamentally changed.
… and you should know by now that tech industry is funded by hype machine, so temper your expectations. Current machine learning techniques are limited and inefficient, it’s not actually really a solvable problem with the current approach.
I have to question putting Orbit Culture on a melodeath compilation. While it worked out for you, unless the one who made the compilation is trying to give curveballs to the listener, it’s a weird addition.
Not really commenting beyond the fact that you have a separate category for Russia/Ukraine and have lazerpig on it? I think he did like three maybe four videos on it. Max. And you didn’t even mention Perun…
Is it “controversial” to be a plagiarist now? Depending on how it’s done, it’s edging on a crime or a full blown crime, rather than controversy. I don’t really think there’s much to make an dispute about.
That said there’s certainly a lot drama about her, not that I’ve looked at any of it. So I am not in the know of anything that’s going on, beyond the plagiarism.
Wait what? I’ve been using windows exclusively for art and music. Not specifically for live music and nothing stops me from that. What are these exclusive Mac apps that can’t be replaced with something else?
Yes. Honestly it’s crazy how much people read into ChatGPT, when in practice it’s effectively just a dice roller that depends in incredibly big dataset to guess what’s the most likely word to come next.
There’s been some research about this, the fact that people are assigning intelligence into things that ML does. Because it doesn’t compute for us that something can appear to make sense without actually having any intelligence. To humans, the appearance of the intelligence is enough to assume intelligence - even if it’s just a result of a complicated dice roller.
In finland everyone I know uses WhatsApp, and my friend circle and family also use Signal. So, eh.
Does iOS actually have 60 percent market share, outside of the US?
Wizard of the Coast license fiasco is about the same. Except of course that “confidence in your product” is a bit of a misnomer. It’s not a confidence in the D&D, but the license. A lot of people were trusting the OGL, and the changes would have fucked over half of the industry with their “retroactive” changes.
Why the hell are you insisting on chromium? It’s such a bad idea to throw all our eggs in one basket.
I don’t really think you’re expressing much of yourself with an AI, especially creativity. I mean all the power to you if you think so, but you can’t really claim to be anything more than a slightly less cumbersome Google image search bot.
Basically you give “search terms” and then use your judgement to pick and choose. There’s very little expression and a whole lot curating of someone else’s work. I guess if you think making music playlist is an expression of creativity, sure it’ll qualify. But that’s some shallow expression of a personality when it comes to art. Might want to phrase that differently.