Strange coincidence right as they want to convert to a for-profit company structure. “Bro we are not even making profits, nothing to see here bro”
Autocorrect corrected “physicist” to “physician” x( you annoy me now. Blocked.
Autocorrect, you are correct about a word.
Your thought experiment is as old as time. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it drop. Does it still make a sound? And yes it does, physicians proved that last year. So “not real” is probably a question of how you define that.
Get out, touch some grass and meet some people.I would wager that’s where there pepper is buried.
The brain follows the same patterns as muscles: use it or lose it. The general population in America is very much not educated at all. So their brains lose the ability to think rapidly.
Same boat. 196 and slender. Totally fine
Business owner here who’s best employees earn at least as much as me: an often overlooked fact is the risk of invested time without equal payout for founding a business and ally the time until it eventually all works out.
All the employees at my age bracket already bought a house, and although my business starts working out now, after 10 years invested, my kids don’t play in their own yard yet.
We need people creating ethical business and they need to earn quite a lot more money after all that first to catch up money wise and then to justify the risk. Of founding at all.
Most employees forget that for all their economic security there was somebody before them taking the risk and pay cuts to make that a possibility. Which is understandable, but sometimes a little sad. :/
The buttons control post visibility, so the question to ask is: do I want to boost this posts visibility? And then the crowd vote decides if the post is controversial which also boosts visibility.
My stack is postfix, dovecot, slapd for accounts, SoGO for web mail, calendar and task and contact management. Syncs to my phone via davx and just works out of the box. It’s multi domain and my small company even sells hosted email services.
Rspamd for anti spam and dkim. Use a free email testing service to confirm SPF etc are setup correctly.
Also make sure you have regular backups and up to date lets encrypt certificates.
Lots of good answers here, mostly consense is that everybody deserves a decent burial. In my opinion this is correct, but because it’s about respecting live itself. They might not have made anything good out of it, but respecting life in any form should be the thing we as a society do.
Nihilism is a common and valid solution to the four big life crisis points. Enjoy. :)
You bet on a company in a specific market and hope it goes up. Then you diversify another investment into this specific market, but in multiple companies. But you short them a little. First case, company go up, wins go up. Second case, major desaster tanks the whole market you equalize the dumping single company investment with the short in the market. Lost nearly nothing.
Hedging is about recognizing investment risk and mitigating it. That being said, hedging is not really a working strategy, it just has lots of media coverage. Hedge funds leverage a good story to convince investors to give them money to manage. They earn from managing that money without carrying three y risks. The broker always earns.
If you want you invest money with limited risk, broad market index funds area the way to go.
Also, if I’m tired and can’t think in front of the computer, standing up helps about with getting my circulatory system going and getting myself awake and alert again.
Be me, about four years old. Decide i need to drive a car for fun.Wake little brother at four in the morning and we sneak out with moms car keys. This is in the city mind you, with cars parked tightly behind each other on the curb. Get in, start the engine and lights. Can’t get the fucking hand brake lose. Luckily mom smells bullshit and comes looking for us before I figure it out. Get roasted for that to this day, mom is nearly 70 now and still tells this story to this day.
I’m kind of an electrical engineer by training. Experience taking electronics apart, but this was my first mechanical device. It was quite the journey and I only saw some general videos about people taking combustion engines apart. It’s a pretty simple device really, but still a new skill. :)
Might be. Still, recommending OP compromises with his partner.
Wishful thinking