If only there was a way to get someone in between too old to function and just old enough to function…mmmmm
Oh well I guess it’s only 80 year olds or 18 year olds and NO OTHER CHOICE.
If only there was a way to get someone in between too old to function and just old enough to function…mmmmm
Oh well I guess it’s only 80 year olds or 18 year olds and NO OTHER CHOICE.
Interesting enough, that’s how the Berlin wall got taken down. It was announced in the news that it was happening immediately. The actual order was going to be the next day, but when people in the crowd started taking down the wall, no one stopped them. The soldiers were told to just stand down.
This hit a little too close for me. I felt this way when I was in the military. It’s important to remember to slow down for your own sake. Civilization is getting faster but I think the individuals need to take pauses to regroup and gather their thoughts.
I tend to go on walks in the woods or beach or some other nature backdrop. Find out what works for you, but sometimes just taking time to pause and look around is enough for your brain to workout problems behind the scenes.
Sorry you feel empty sometimes. I do too. I think that feeling is a natural response to the world we are living in. That’s why I need time to slow down.
Depends on the reason, but yeah I would question this. I knew a couple separated with no plans on divorce, but only because they were too poor to afford it. They just separated and lived in different cities, so idk. And no they don’t plan on getting back together. It’s been years.
They ain’t wrong. You don’t need a lot of critical thinkers to get things done. You need motivated people and they motivated the hell out of their base.
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You can find discounts sometimes like that with dairy. A farm might produce a lot of milk and before it goes bad they have to turn it into to something. Some companies can make the product in bulk and then sell it at a discount because supply and demand.
I’ve seen crazy deals with shredded cheese. Like buy 2 bags get 3 free at my grocery store. That’s sooo much cheese, but they would get more profit selling it at a discount then letting the dairy expire.
It might be a state by state, country by country thing. I know in Virginia it is the day before your 21at birthday based off some court case explaining the 365 days = a year thing.
When does a person reach their 21st birthday? The attorney general’s office has opined that a person attains his/her next year of age on the day prior to his/her birthday. (1963 Va. AG LEXIS 215; 1962-1963 Op. Atty Gen. Va. 87)
People also turn 1 year old the day before their birthday. Like you said a babies first birthday is the start of their second year. Meaning you can legally purchase alcohol the day before your 21st or 18th birthday depending on your local laws.
Two muffins are in an oven.
One goes, “It sure is hot in here.”
The other muffin says, “Holy shit! A talking muffin!”
How to bang Lois without killing her?
Listing benefits for WFH isn’t the same as having crippling insecurities. I can say I enjoy cooking my own lunch when I work from home. It doesn’t mean I have crippling insecurities about eating out.
My wife always thought he was bullshitting. The church was trying a rebrand thing. They retired the pope that was in Hitler youth and got the cool ‘young’ still old pope that is more friendly towards gay people and dogs going to heaven. He never really felt legit to her.
Roger Stone was also whipping up the crowds outside the recounts with lies that they are throwing out the R votes. That caused the brooks brother riot. That pressure from that and the news gave these assholes and excuse to stop it.
The city of Gotham wants to fuck him for a reason.
Sorry this time of year is tough on you. I was last deployed to Iraq in 2006, so before Steve but I’m sorry for your loss. We all grieve in our own way. Just make sure you let it out.
I lost Sgt Perez on one of my deployments. He was a good dude. He said he messed up early in his career but would never explain the details. I guess he would have been picking up a promotion if he didn’t have that bad paperwork. Great NCO. He looked after us. He had 3 kids and a wife. 2 of the kids was with his current wife. He was out walking around base at night when some rockets were shot at the base. He got some sharpnel when it impacted a building and didn’t make it.
I try to live my life in memory of the lost loved ones. They aren’t here anymore to enjoy life, so I try to enjoy it for them. Christmas can be corny and sound torture with all the songs, but some parts are enjoyable.
You’re getting down voted, but I agree with you. I think we are too close in time to get an unbiased process now at wiki. Most things take time to remove emotions and be able to look back with a critical eye.
I couldn’t ask certain questions about the 9/11 attacks because it seemed I was being unpatriotic. That I might be friendly with the terrorists. It’s like no, I just think the middle eastern man (from Iraq) working at the Eagle Mart didn’t have anything to do with Saudi Funded terrorism.
I feel the correct balance of this practice will reach a point when you start answering “fuck it, but that thang!”
If I’m scrutinizing every choice then as my money grows my concerns wouldn’t be the same. I might have not splurged on that X-Men mansion attack by sentinel diorama 10 years ago, but now if I scrutinize my parameters would be different. Now that diorama would look banging on my dining room table.
That’s what I like to see. A manager that takes pride in their work.