The well never runs dry. I play one shot games every other weekend and I still don’t ever seem to run out of character ideas.
The well never runs dry. I play one shot games every other weekend and I still don’t ever seem to run out of character ideas.
I played a Hobgoblin Barb Bladesinger who did this as a higher level of blade dance. Lots of synergy actually.
I was amused when I noticed her in the most recent M Night movie Trap.
This is not an endorsement of this movie. I just thought Parent Trap to Trap was an interesting career or maybe the title of her memoirs.
It’s absolutely allowed.
It’s not as good as previous versions but I am running stock android and I have wifi power saving and phone (background) power saving modes available. I just checked and the estimate of time until zero percent battery goes from 22 hours to 28 hours with the node that limits backup processes, and that is with 59% on the battery.
There was a power save mode on my old phone that made everything grey screen and stuff that was way better. I think I enabled it for a camping trip once and used like 20% battery in 3 days.
I do the same load but I have lots of blocks to keep down the static of things I am not interested in. Saves me some scrolling.
I was actually thinking about a high elf rogue that has high wisdom and uses True Strike every round. 2024 True Strike is great.