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There’s been numerous up to this point. I see Trump’s 2nd term as just punishment to the American Populace for not rocking the boat hard enough when the breaking point had been reached.
Where were the Americans in 2020 when minimum wage workers had the whip cracked on their backs, given a bullshit label ‘Essential Worker’ and forced to work during the pandemic? Too busy crying at home about not going out to party.
Where were the Americans during the 2024 elections? Sleeping at home thinking they got it in the bag.
Where were the Americans during Occupy Wallstreet? The time Bernie Sanders was running? So many more things that can be pointed out but Americans be like “nah…I’m good”.
Using brand chemicals like Pledge. Making sure fans or vents arent spitting dust particles.
Dust is just inevitable, it’ll come back in one way or another. It’ll make layers and it’ll just be dirty all over again. The best we can do is just slow it down, but you’ll still get dust from somewhere.
You’re like 5 years past due to know by now what the raid on Area 51 was about. It’s not a secret anymore, it’s a military base as we all figured. And the raid by the way was eclipsed into nothing but a meme at the end of the day.
For a while whenever I took breaks from typical games and music, I’d go after software. Old software like Photoshop CS2 for example, just for nostalgia’s sake.
Coming from someone who probably smokes weed like a deadbeat.
Get job. Sustain self. It’s really not rocket science.
It’s only a little challenging but that depends on how one has mooched off of their family for and people like that, have a less likelihood of surviving on their own.
Yeah that’s what people really want to do. They want to feel more at home like they’re on Reddit so yeah, let them be bigger assholes and get away with it.
Yeah look how well that has gone for Reddit.
Nothing cool, of course.
I think we’re in the boring version of Shadowrun’s cyberpunk universe. Take out the magic, take out the idea that people perform runs doing vigilante tasks and take out the goblinifcation (so no orks/trolls) and no other races. But the idea of megacorps getting bigger and bigger while everything decays around us with escalating costs, yeah that part is real.
Cult Classic movies. I understand some of them but a lot of them are really over my head that would almost require an explanation. And I don’t quite vibe with a majority of them. Like Dazed and Confused.
Trump doesn’t have to. He’s got someone in FCC who’ll do it for him like Ajit Pai before. Net Neutrality is going to die again anyways, as we all expect. What will come from that after, will be more dominos falling.
Reading programming language books isn’t a waste of time. What is a waste of time, is delving into a programming language and finding out how little of use it is. You’d hate yourself for pursuing a programming language and find out that it has little purpose.
The point of programming however, is to be versatile. Do not be content. You may focus on one or two programming languages, but there are jobs and fields out there that’s going to require more programming languages so you might want to keep a head up on that.
But no, reading programming books is not a waste of time. Just do not expect one book to answer everything. There’s a reason why there’s tons of editions of C/C+ for example. There is something new to document and learn about with that programming language.
Fragile Mods. Shitty trolls. Dishonest engagements. Little to no good discussion. Opinions are seen as attacks. Power-tripping users and mods alike. Karma whores.
Oh it’s further than that. It’s 4-chan users from /b/ who still think worshiping Hitler, calling black people the N word and going around spewing any racial slang around is still the coolest thing to do. ED isn’t even an ecyclopedia, it’s just the internet’s big black book of people the internet doesn’t like in the form of lolcows, controversial people who made themselves out to be shitty people. All of these things and more for people to learn about and get personal with since they’re all openly doxxed.