OpenStreetMap and Internet Archive because they are operating with a small budget (as opposed to Wikipedia).
OpenStreetMap and Internet Archive because they are operating with a small budget (as opposed to Wikipedia).
# Select a file with fzf from a database sorted by frecency and open it using
# xdg-open. frece can be found at
item=$(frece print "$DB_FILE" | fzf --tiebreak=index --scheme=path)
[ -z "$item" ] && exit 1
frece increment "$DB_FILE" "$item"
xdg-open "$item"
# Update frece database
fd -H . ~ > "$tmp_file" # use ~/.fdignore file to exclude certain dirs
frece update "$DB_FILE" "$tmp_file" --purge-old
rm "$tmp_file"
Thanks, I was confused because I thought “not supporting Taiwan independence” means being fine with China annexing Taiwan. In both versions of the readout, Biden wants to keep the status quo in Cross-Strait relations, but this is phrased differently in each readout.
It’s good that China and the US keep up the communication. However, I would like to see an US version of this: Did Biden really “reiterated that the one-China policy of the US has not changed and will not change, and that the US does not support ‘Taiwan independence’.”?
Don’t blindly run untrusted software, use Bubblewrap at the very least. Keep in mind.