Live, laugh, love,
But the second mouse gets the cheese…
I’m surprised no one else has mentioned Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd…
I would love to help you, but I couldn’t possibly do that.
I’ve recently switched from Spotify to Tidal and I’m happy with it…
I played Destiny to death. Every daily and weekly on three different characters. I loved it. But then Destiny 2 came along and I lost interest. Got sick of the grind.
But as much as I used to love the game there was never really a coherent story.
What storyline?
I believe the book you are talking about is "The Death Of Grass’.
So were the IRA…
And yet now here we are with Sinn Fein holding elected positions.
At some point there has to be dialogue otherwise you just keep killing one another.
It’s a living thing…
Pretty much what I did. I started to thin on top in my early thirties. Nothing major at the time but it was obvious where it was going so I shaved it all off and have been since.
Aside from a few more wrinkles I look pretty much the same twenty years later…
…though my beard has recently started to sprout a few grey hairs.
There was a plot?
If it weren’t for those pesky kids…
But the way they’ve got Egwene collared by the Seanchan. Perrin being taught about being a wolf brother by Elias makes sense. You couldn’t have a wolf on screen teaching Perrin.
Ah. I get that they aren’t following the books explicitly but they are keeping the characters and over arching story going in the right direction. I’m enjoying it…
… so far. I was enjoying GoT too up until about half way through series 4 when it became clear that they had completely diverged from the books.
I’ve been avoiding any online talk about it and just enjoying it for what it is.
I’m enjoying Wheel of Time. Even as a fan of the books despite the changes.
No you don’t…
… but when you don’t it just makes you a Nazi apologist.