There is absolutely no car that runs on anything other than oil. NONE 🙄
Autistic, agender, formerly abused child
There is absolutely no car that runs on anything other than oil. NONE 🙄
My exfather deliberately cooked food I didn’t like to prove I actually like it and just do it for attention. He’s a trained chef. It started when I was three and only stopped when I moved out and stopped eating his meals.
I have two chronic illnesses. Hashimoto, an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid and endometriosis, a VERY painful under researched condition that for me affects the lower belly.
I’ve researched the shit out of both conditions in a way that autistic people with a biology degree do. I follow the TH1/TH2 immune imbalance research to support my immune system via foods that balance this (avoid peanuts, mushrooms, melissa (the plant, I hope thats the English name), eat tomatoes, onions, turmeric, garlic). Also gluten triggers my autoimmune response. No gluten for me.
As a result my thyroid looks A LOT healthier than it should be at this stage and still has retained a good bit of functionality. Which is a minor miracle.
For endometriosis I’m lucky enough that the visanne pill works for me. That in addition to avoiding estrogen in food means I’m nearly pain free. There’s some people for whom nothing helps, they’ve had dozens of surgeries and they still often enough can’t think straight due to pain. Being comparatively pain free is at least a medium sized miracle.
True. But I’d also like to see a reduction of seemingly general purpose down voting. There seem to be users who do nothing but down vote everything in sight.
It depends a lot on the situation. My exparents lived with my paternal exgrandparents until I was 8. Completely seperate households tho. Just in the same house.
If theres a partner and kids it’s important that everyone negotiates boundaries and communicates well. If it’s one household the chores and finances need to be shared in a way that works and so on.
Personally I moved out as early as I could because these people are abusive. I find it awe inspiring that you manage to coexist peacefully when everyone is an adult. If it works for you it works for you. In many cultures living with your parents is normal. I think worrying about what other people think, those that won’t pay your rent and don’t interact with your family isn’t productive. You’re the one who has to live with the decisions you make.
flicks tongue
You and me both.
Yup that is me sausage is a german thing.
Also german. Somewhat sure it’s about good old Helmut.
Its a pair of really big glasses that I can slide down my nose a little and still have the glasses cover my field of vision.
I’m autistic, depending on how intense sensory issues are that day: sunglasses, noise canceling headphones, stim toys and if it’s really bad a teddy bear.
I’m also the one idiot who still wears a mask. In full gear I’m quite the sight.
That sounds like slang term for a boger.
Healthcare, electoral college, how supreme court justices are elected, first past the post voting system.
Edit: and the self assurance to nitpick a foreigner over the details of how justices come into their job.
Thankfully tho cats don’t come with all the things I dislike about human children. ❤️❤️❤️
Dodo isn’t even all that bratty. She has her own baggage. We just fit together well.
And seriously the social worker! Without them I wouldn’t have moved, I wouldn’t have household help for being chronically ill and currently they are fighting tooth and nail to get my name legally changed. Among with all the other everyday red tape germany is so fond of. And there’s still loads more to address eventually.
Adopting a cat. I don’t know how I managed to live without her.
Getting a social worker.
Wearing gender non conforming clothes (turns out I’m non binary, so I doubled down), not wanting to be around ex family (also doubled down), not wanting kids (cats don’t count right? ❤️), being a nerd.
Most of the things in this thread about claws, the vet and medication dodo already understands. I’d tell her that I’d want her to have a different meow for when she’s in pain and tell me where/what hurts as good as she can. Also that she’s my emotional support animal just as much as she is mine, that she changed my life for the better, that I’m happy when she plays and that she is a good kitty and my most important person. She knows the last things but has trouble accepting them, I’d hope telling her with words she understands would help it along.
Just worship cats.