It does matter in terms of ease of use. Some have apps, some don’t. A non-linux-native might have difficulties with the latter.
It does matter in terms of ease of use. Some have apps, some don’t. A non-linux-native might have difficulties with the latter.
Sir, what are you looking at? Are you even listening?
We could just install some heat pumps in hell and transport the energy via flux pipeline to the overworld.
That dude in the back got a mouth I most definitely do not want to kiss.
I would go this route as well. As a developer this sounds easy enough. It you don’t get vertical sequences of images, but instead a grid of images, then I would apply traditional image stitching techniques. There are tons of libraries for that on github.
Arr, me heart be green with envy, it be!
These are mine, also made with DALLE. I like the third one, but its more of a joke than a meme.
Nice. Which service/network did you use?
This is GPT4/Dall-e 3’s take on it
Prompt: Drawing of a hybrid creature combining elements of a zebra, snail, and lizard. Its eyes are like those of a lizard, and its face has the curves of a snail. Adorning its body is a detailed steampunk armor with metallic finishes. We see only its face and upper body. It is very colorful, appears in shades of blue, green, red, and yellow. Behind, in its background, we see an army of similar looking creatures, ready to march on into war.
All of them at once while saying the words.
Very interesting. These other nets I didn’t know yet. I cannot see the other two images tho.
Yup. A container i slow to rebuild, but at least the most robust. This is my preferred way to share python code when there are system dependencies involved.
It actually is almost as instant as you would expect
I like the pyproject.yaml, but checking dependencies with poetry takes 5 to 10 minutes for my projects.
Tbh, I’m always ending up having issues using poetry and conda. I prefer using penv and pip.
Thanks, I didn’t know!
There are really only two search engines. Its either Google or Bing. The others exist, but they use Google’s and/or Bing’s search results.
I would argue that Germany is not a socialist country. Politics are targeted at the already wealthy and cooperations.
I’m not versed enough in politics and history to give detailed examples. I’m just a normal guy. However, I’m currently listening to the Jung & Naiv podcast on Spotify.
In episode 661 they discuss the development of the housing sector since the 1950s and very little in the 18th century. The important information is that the housing sector grew from being socialist to being a housing market.
I think they mention that in the 50s there existed a “Kostenmiete” (Cost-rent). That would only be allowed by law to be as high as it needed to be to cover the costs for building the house/flat. The owners were not allowed to make profit exceeding 3.5%. Any profit had to be put into housing again to keep the housing sector growing. Around that time the state was heavily supporting housing unions and other groups (not cooperations) to build housing. The state itself built 500.000 !!! appartments a year. Last year the interview says they built 6 appartments. Six, in case you thought you read a typo.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least in the housing market we are not socialist anymore and it becomes worse every year. Education becomes worse every year. The medical sector becomes worse every year. Public transport becomes worse every year. Loans do not keep up with inflation. Everything becomes more expensive.
Yes, we are better off than many. But are we not just richer slaves with more benefits than others? The interview says that there exist studies that estimate 11 million households to qualify for social housing. In some cities that is 60% of their population. 60% quality for social housing. Are we alright?
It’s a management decision. Even if the responsible developer left, the next in line would take up the job. We work for a living and there is little choice in ethical companies you can join for adequate pay.