N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
Sæmuruı Djæk ſurvuıvd ſƿan duıvıŋ frėm ðiſ huı u̇p.
Samurai Jack survived swan diving from this high up.
“Ƿ did it Pætcrik! Ƿ ſeıvd Pælistuın!”
We did it Patrick! We saved Palestine!"
Uı’m lu̇kı Uı’m tuıd t NYS Eırėbz æ n Micigen Eırėbz.
I’m lucky I’m tied to NYC Arabs and not Michigan Arabs.
“F ė brıf momimt, Uı þıŋk ð establicmint lṙnd itſ leſėn…”
“For a brief moment, I think the eetablishment learned its lesson…”
Moṙ æn ekſtencėn v ð nocėn ðæt dȯgz aṙ mæskyulin kodid.
More an extension of the notion that dogs are masculine coded.
İt’d bı moṙ ækyṙit t ſeı blu ſteıtſ aṙ moṙ luıklı t displeı ð reıt v kæt onṙcip ƿitc ƿᵫd bı ėbzṙvd i ė noṙmėl ſėſuyitı n ėfliktid buı ð ku̇lt v “No Homo.”
It’d be more accurate to say blue stares are more likely to display the rate of cat ownership which would be observed on a normal society not afflicted by the cult of “No Homo.”
Ð Fu̇nıiſt paṙt z ðæt sėm v ð þıvz wṙ motiveıtid uıdıėlȯdjikėlı. Wėn v ðem wėz ė libṙteırıen ėpozd t ð kėbal sistėm bikȯz it wėz’n frı maṙkit inu̇f i Hz uız.
The funniest part is that some of the thieves were motivated ideologically. One of them was a libertarian opposed to the cabal system because it wasn’t free market enough in his eyes.
Ya basically
Shavian’s equivalent is used as a shorthand for “the”, so I decided to use it ðat way too.
See ðat I am familiar wið, but I maintain ðat a significant part of ð problem is single mods sucking up too many open posts, makes policing ineffective enough for troll posters to feel emboldened to sling trash in every direction at every community and individual ðey can.
Probably wouldn’t be such a high cost in ð first place if ðey didn’t hoover up every open mod spot for ð power trip
Ð law shows leniency where it can be demonstrated ðat ð adult was genuinely deceived into þinking ð child in question was a legal adult.
Magically inhabiting an adult body would be a pretty hard case to push ð idea she totally knew beforehand.
Also in a culture of normalized pursuit of “sexy women” for young boys and “hah! Lucky!” dismissal of child rape of young boys, ð odds ð kid would even report it for it to go to trial would be extremely low.
I mean it’s also pretty damn religious too
Þkſ m8
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Ratta Ratta?