Yes. I search a good figdet toy, but all i find online is either shitty or mega expensiv. There is like no way of finding these things in local stores.
Yes. I search a good figdet toy, but all i find online is either shitty or mega expensiv. There is like no way of finding these things in local stores.
I add: reading the rulebooks/ description of the ttrpg world. The rules are dry to read and the flauvor is often vague. Often i read and can’t remember the stuff seconds later 😆
What is also boring af are discussions with players, who are no historians, but say “this fantasy setting is sooo authentic middle age!”.
18€ a month, cause in germany we have the gez gebühren to keep journalism in good quality
You have totaly a point there.
I am working in cultural heritage, so creating bounds that last over jobs is crucial. Who are you on good terms with? Who has a strong opinion on topic x? Who could help you with that non profit project? Who can you take seriosly and who is a scammer?
Working with these kind of people can be so amazing.
But cultural heritage is passion driven, a lot of ways to burn out in that feld or do unpaid work. The silent war against big companies is hard.
I might understand how you feel. Opening up is a good first step. But after that? I don’t know. What steps to take and how long your path will be… no one knows.
Whenever anxiety tries to take controll of me… whenever i am angry at my own progress, i think about a little story:
A man takes a morning-walk on the beach. During the night there was a terrible storm, spreading tousands of seastars over the sand. He sees a woman trying to bring the seastars back to the water.
He walk up to her and asks: “why are you even doing this? You will just save a few, but the majority will die when the sun rises.”
She bend down to pick one seastar up and throws it into the ocean. “Maybe. But this one i have saved.”
Changing is hard and often feels pointless. The only thing we can do is doing things step by step.
Thank you 🥰
When it comes to japanese food, Düsseldorf is really great. Cause i studied there i know some good Restaurants and supermarkets 😆 but i take recomondations all around nrw.
i really want to taste spicy indian food or try other asian food, that is not so common here 🤔
My best friend visited south korea a few years ago. She never liked spicy food, but said it was so good there, she now likes this stuff.
I wanna eat the real spicy food! In germany everything is watered down so n00bs can eat it🥲
I… dunno.
My ex ignored me for like two weeks and had become closed of. He reinsured me, that everything was fine when i asked him. But the next time he visted me, he said that he wanted to break up, saying he made up his mind two weeks earlier. But i dunno his reason for it.
The break up was okay. I though about it myself, cause he treated me bad the whole 5 month we were together: he talked bad about my interessets and hobbys. He overstepped my bounderies. And everytime, i made him aware of that, he was like “you didn’t make that clear enough”. He made me push my bounderies.
Sadly, i allowed this kind of behaivor back than. I was used to it. During that time i did not know about adhd. I always acted weird as a woman and felt bad for not fitting in. I acted impulsive and had mood swings. I wanted someone to love me, accept me. So i excused these behaivors.
No. I did not allowed that behaivor. But he made me feel like i was crazy when i wanted to talk about how i felt.
Now i have more selfesteem, i am weird and loud and full of my ideas. I am in a beatiful relationship, i am loved and accepted as who i am. I But of course that expierence still hunts me. It still hurts.
I agree with you.
I think argueing if adhd might be over or under diagnosed makes adulds feel even more ashamed.
I also don’t like blaming self diagnosis. Women having a hard time finding professionell help, cause they never fit into stereotypical adhd behaivor. They seen as overreacting and emotional.