uMatrix isn’t maintained anymore, but you can actually do this directly in uBO now!
uMatrix isn’t maintained anymore, but you can actually do this directly in uBO now!
The next paragraph after the screenshot is also important:
At the first sitting of the House after an election, the members of each recognized party vote on whether any or all of the sets should apply to their caucuses. The provisions only applying to the caucuses that approve them was another compromise to ensure passage of the Act. The approval of the provisions by the caucuses is binding until Parliament dissolves, after which another vote is held.
The Liberals did not vote to approve the provisions, so this can’t be used to remove Trudeau.
Induction stovetops are fast, efficient, and safe. (but regular electric is fine as well)
Water heaters are similarly available in electric and heat pump configurations.
Shaming scam victims has been shown to make people less likely to seek help after being scammed. Your comment only serves to help scammers.
My dad was expecting an etransfer from a friend. He got a text for the right amount. He was on his phone and the URL was mostly hidden. It was the end of the day, he was tired, he let his guard down. Took us months to deal with the fallout.
The world isn’t so black and white.
There is an android skin in the settings, not as fleshed out as the ios one but it gets rid of the uncanny valley effect for me
I use Startpage and am happy with it. Yes it uses Google, but Google can’t track you as they can only see that the search came from the Startpage server. You also don’t get any of the AI summary or sponsored link bullshit. Beyond that, you could try SearXNG which can aggregate results from many engines.
If USB4 is so good, why isn’t there USB4 2?
Keymonk. It actually still mostly works if you find an old apk, I’m using it now. The suggestion bar is broken and it’s a little buggy, but god most of the time it still flies, security risks be damned.
Keyboard 69 was another option, but it’s also abandoned and I found it much more bloated and buggy.
What I wouldn’t give for a good open source two finger swiping keyboard…
If you’re looking to rent for the day, you would never pick 3 cars over 1. And if you already own the 3 cars, you wouldn’t go out of your way to rent another one. I don’t see how a parking charge would change this, unless it was far heavier than this proposal is.
Additionally, think about how many full 9-seat vans there are in Paris. Think about how many single-occupant SUVs there are. I think the benefit here is pretty clear.
Article says they are tripling the cost, and 9 is more than 3, so…no.
Do you have a source for him moving to restrict sales? I see there was a House bill about that a couple weeks ago, but it didn’t involve Biden.
There is lots more detail in the full news release link at the bottom of the page. It’s going a bit over my head right now though.