What e2ee ? Telegram group chats are not encrypted.
What e2ee ? Telegram group chats are not encrypted.
Since you are maliciously leading it in this direction I will intentionally skip to the end.
We should kill every human because we share DNA.
Happy ?
Noble strike.
Death to american hegemony.
“Innocent contractors”
Wtf 🤮
In my book it doesn’t matter if you are building or operating the gas chambers.
I actually like DST
If you are commie then you must love sending people to gulags, right ?
it’s that easy!
Salty takie calling others Nazi… Cope harder 😏
Ahhh, only tankie haters are libs ??
I must have forgoten the memo 🙄
What’s the definition of tankie ?
Based hamas
I actually had comfortable morning. I thank you for yet another fun experience of existential crisis.
So much happened before you opened your eyes for the first time, so much will happen after you close them for the last time.
I am average worker who preordered it 2-3 days ago for 100€ with intent that if it’s bad that I will be able to refund it.
So far I have like 6 hours put it and except some stuff sometimes clipping through walls or weird movement and 1 crash I didn’t notice anything else broken. There are some game mechanics I am annoyed about and “open-world” performance is bad but it’s not broken game the bitching make it outs to be.
So far I am experiencing the Bethesda RPG™ I though it would be and I am happy. Can’t wait for modders to put more stuff in.
Not sure what firmware limiters you’re talking about?
The same limitation mentioned it the guide you shared:
This solution basically hands over the GPU to guest OS upon booting the VM and hands it back to the host OS upon powering off the VM. The obvious downside of this is that you can’t use the host OS (at least graphically) while the guest is running. It is therefore highly recommended that you set up SSH access to your host OS just in case of issues.
Also thanks for sharing it. I will try it some other time. 🙂
Patch NVIDIA BIOS (only for Pascal GPUs)
Only 10xx is affected or older cards are too ?? 😑
Looks interesting but I think claims of VMetal in regards of gaming are kind of bullshit. I have been looking into running windows/Linux in VM and have it full access to GPU (GPU pass through) and there are 2 major problems.
Nvidia and amd being scummy and having firmware limiters in consumer GPUs to segment their products. This should be “fixable” by modifying firmware but … Yeah… Not very comfortable thing to do
Motherboards not having support or worse have broken implementation of iommu.
Maybe my “research” was bad. Let’s hope someone will correct me.
Yeesh, everyone now jumps on the ai hypetrain.